
Defining the topology for Aggregated Search

Before you use the Aggregated Search feature, you must define the topology.

About this task

Create the JSON file on each Log Analysis server in your cluster.


  1. Create a JSON file and specify the topology of the data center in it. Specify the parameters described in the Topology parameters table.
    Table 1. Topology parameters
    Parameter Description
    OS_user The operating system user name. Specify the name of the user who installed Log Analysis on the server.
    OS_password The password for the operating system user. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify it, the script prompts you for it when you configure Aggregated Search automatically.
    LA_home The directory where Log Analysis is installed on the node.
    LA_host The fully qualified host name for the Log Analysis server. To facilitate single sign-on (SSO), use a fully qualified host name.
    LA_port The port number that is used by Log Analysis. This value must be an integer. You cannot use a string.
    LA_user The Log Analysis user name.
    LA_password The Log Analysis user password.

    If you are automatically configuring Aggregated Search, you can specify a plain text password or you can leave this parameter blank. The utility provided encrypts the password when it copies the topology. If you do not specify a password, the configuration script prompts you for it when you configure Aggregated Search automatically.

    If you are manually configuring it, you can use plain text or encrypted passwords. You can use the to encrypt the password on each server. For more information, see command.

    children The names of the immediate descendants of the topology node.
    connected The names of the nodes that can be accessed from the node that is defined in this section of the JSON. If you do not specify any values or specify a blank array, all nodes can be accessed from this instance of Log Analysis.
    sshPort The Operating System port that is used for Secure Shell Authentication (SSH). If you do not specify a value, the default value of 22 is used.
    For an example, see Topology file for Aggregated Search.
  2. Save your changes.


The following example displays the structure of the input JSON object.
	AP: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [India, Australia],
	Europe: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [UK, France]
	India: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [Pune, Bangalore],
		connected: [AP, Pune, Bangalore]
	Australia: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [Sydney, Perth],
	UK: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [London],
	France: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [Paris],
	Pune: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
	Bangalore: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
	Sydney: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
	Perth: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
	London: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
	Global: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [AP, Europe],
	Paris: {
		OS_user: unity,
              sshPort: 22,
		LA_home: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/,
		LA_port:  9987,
		LA_user: unityadmin,
		LA_password: unityadmin,
		children: [],
The topology is displayed in the following screen shot:
Example topology

When you export an aggregation template, the level is specified in the JSON file. The top or root node is the Global node and it designated level 0 in an exported aggregation template. The regions are AP and Europe and are on the second level and are designated level 1 in the template. The countries are defined on the third level and are assigned level 2. The bottom level contains the cities and is designated as level 3. You can only import templates from the same level. You cannot import templates from another level. For example, if you export a template from the Pune node on the bottom level, you cannot import it into the India node.

What to do next

After you create the topology, you need to enable Aggregated Search.

If you are automatically configuring Aggregated Search, run the utility. For more information, see Configuring Aggregated Search automatically.

If you are configuring Aggregated Search manually, copy the topology file to each Log Analysis server. Note the directories where you save these files as you must specify it in the file when you enable the Aggregated Search feature. For more information, see Configuring Aggregated Search manually.