Specifying the Kerberos user name and domain

To use Kerberos, you must add the <LA_User> user principal to the Kerberos server.


To add the <LA_User> to Kerberos, complete the following steps
  • For IBM® Open PlatformHadoop or Hortonworks Hadoop you must add the <LA_User> principal. From the kadmin.local utility on the Kerberos server, run the following command to add the principal user.
    addprinc -norandkey -k <LA_User>@<Your Domain>
    Where <LA_User> is the Log Analysis principal user and <Your Domain> is the configured domain name in your Kerberos server.
  • For Huawei FusionInsight HD, complete the following steps.
    1. Add the <LA_User> to Linux® on all DataNode servers using the useradd command. For example, useradd scala.

      Where scala is the <LA_User>.

    2. Add the <LA_User> principal using the FusionInsight Manager administrator UI. In the System user management section, add the <LA_User> as Machine-Machine type, and add default roles.
Note: To add the <LA_User> using the FusionInsight Manager, you must add the <LA_User> to Linux on all DataNode servers using the useradd command.