File sets

You can use various HTTP methods to load, create, update, and delete file sets.

Return file sets (GET method)

To return all the file sets, use a GET method and the following URL:
To return a specific file set, use a GET method and the following request:
where <fileset_id> is the ID of the file set that you want to retrieve.
The operation returns the following values from the requested file sets in the simple JSON format:
Table 1. Returned values for file sets
Returned value Description
className The name of the Java™ class that is used by the file set.
fileType This parameter value can be either 0 or 1. 0 means that the file set is Java-based. 1 indicates that the file set is Python-based.
fileName The name of the file that contains the code that does the splitting or annotating.
type This parameter value can be either 0 or 1. 0 means that the file is used to split log files. 1 indicates that the file set is used to annotate log files.
name The name of the file set.
id The file set identifier.
For example, the operation returns the following values in the JSON format for a file set:
    "className": "",
    "fileType": 0, (- 0 for Java 1 for Script)
    "fileName": "JavacoreExtractor_v1.1.0.1.jar",
    "type": 1, (- 0 for Split 1 for Annotate)
    "name": "Javacore-Annotate",
    "id": 2

Create (POST method)

To create a file set, use a POST method and the following URL:
You define the parameter values in the JSON format in the HTTP message body. For example:
    "name": "Test",
    "type": 0, (- 0 for Split 1 for Annotate)
    "fileType": 0, (- 0 Java 1 for Script)
    "fileName": "db2-content.jar", (- Jar file name
    "className": "TestClass" (- Java Class name)
The input values are the same as the ones that are specified in table 1 except for id. This value is generated when the file set is created.

Update (PUT method)

To update a file set, use a PUT method and the following URL:

You define the parameter values in the JSON format in the HTTP message body. The input values are the same as the ones that are specified in table 1 except for id. This value is generated when the file set is created.

Delete (DELETE method)

To delete a file set, use a DELETE method and the following URL:
where <fileset_id> is the ID of the file set that you want to delete.