Installing and configuring HAProxy

HAProxy is a native Linux® operating system package that you can use to help you to balance loads.

About this task

For more information about HAProxy, see


  1. To install HAProxy, use a system tool like yum or yast . The package is part of both Red Hat® Enterprise for Linux and SuSE Linux Enterprise server.
  2. To add the Log File Agent cluster and specify the receiver Logstash instance details, edit the haproxy.cfg file and add the required information as follows:
    listen  LFA_Cluster <haproxy_hostname>:<haproxy_port>
            mode tcp
            balance source
            hash-type consistent
            server receiver-logstash1 
     check inter 1s fall 2 rise 3
            server receiver-logstash2 <logstash2-host>:<logstash2-port> 
    check inter 1s fall 2 rise 3
    where <haproxy_hostname>:<haproxy_port> is the host name and port used by HAProxy. <logstash1-host>:<logstash1-port> is the host name and server used by the first instance of the receiver Logstash cluster. <logstash2-host>:<logstash2-port> is the host name and server used by the second instance. Add each instance as required.
    If you are monitoring log files with multiple lines, you must configure HAProxy with affinity for agents that is based on the IP information. This is specified by the following lines:
    balance source
    hash-type consistent
  3. To restart HAProxy, enter the following command:
    service haproxy restart