Configuring the data limit for bundled versions

After you install Log Analysis as part of a bundle, you must configure the free data ingestion limit and segregate your data into billable and non-billable data sources.

About this task

This configuration is only required if you use Log Analysis as part of a bundle. Users of the stand alone version do not need to complete this task.

If you use Log Analysis as part of a bundle, you must configure the data ingestion limit after you install Log Analysis to ensure that you meet the terms of your license agreement. This configuration is also required for auditability and compliance.


  1. To enable the free data ingestion limit, create a file that is called seed.txt in the <HOME>/IBM®/LogAnalysis/wlp/usr/servers/Unity directory.

    Use the first line to specify the free ingestion limit in Megabytes (MBs). The free ingestion limit is up to 2GB average data per day of the 30 day rolling period. Read your license agreement to understand the free data ingestion limit. Use the next lines to specify the paths or directories where the related applications are installed. The log files are, in most cases, stored in the installation directories. These locations must match the log path that is defined when the data source is created. In some integrations, a data source can have an arbitrary string for a log path. In these cases, the strings in the seed.txt file must match the string that is specified in the data source.

    The following sample shows a seed.txt file. Lines that start with a hashtag (#) are commented out and are ignored.
    #Data Source locations to be ignored by statistics tracker
  2. To restart Log Analysis, enter the following command:
    <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/utilities/ -restart
  3. Create the required data sources for the non-billable data.

    If the log path that you specify when you create the data source matches any of the file paths that you specified in the seed.txt file, Log Analysis does not count the data from these data sources in the billing statistics.

    For more information about how to create a data source, see Data Source creation.


The free data ingestion limit which, is 2GBs average data for the 30 day rolling period, is displayed as a horizontal red line on the Server Statistics UI.