Streaming Logs using Log Analysis with Log File Agent and Logstash


The following example demonstrates handling streaming logs in Operations Analytics – Log Analysis using the Log File Agent (LFA) and Logstash.

What’s Included?

  1. A sample logstash configuration (lfa-logstash.conf)
  2. A logstash grok pattern file for default LFA log messages (LFALOGSTASH)

Deploying the Content Pack

  1. Review the sample logstash configuration lfa-logstash.conf and determine how you will use the inputs, filters and outputs. You can use this example or just copy the needed parts into your main logstash configuration file. Pay close attention to the NOTES within the lfa-logstash.conf and LFALOGSTASH files.
  2. Update the TCP input as needed, especially the port number you will use. The default EIF Receiver port that LFAs normally point to for use with Operations Analytics – Log Analysis is TCP 5529. Use a different port if you plan on running logstash on the same server.
  3. Review the filters section and determine if any changes are needed based upon how you use logstash, which version you use, etc.
  4. Review the output section and update based on your current logstash integration with Operations Analytics – Log Analysis. This example configuration will only work with the upcoming release of the Operations Analytics – Log Analysis Logstash Integration. If you do not have this, contact Doug McClure for assistance.
  5. Place the logstash GROK pattern file LFALOGSTASH into the appropriate location. If you are using logstash 1.4.2, you may place this into the /patterns directory and you’ll be all set. If you are using logstash 1.5 beta, you can place it into the same /patterns directory, but you will need to use the patterns_dir setting to this location in each filter using the GROK patterns (eg multiline, grok).
  6. Create a Operations Analytics – Log Analysis datasource which uses the host and path values to match what you’re setting in your logstash configuration.
  7. Update your LFA configuration (.conf) files to point to your logstash server and TCP input port. Restart LFAs as needed.
  8. Start up logstash and verify connections from LFAs are established. Watch for activity in logstash stdout or within Operations Analytics – Log Analysis search results.

Additional information

This is a community contributed content pack. Reference the following for additional information: GitHub Community.


Released: 8 January 2015
Cost: No Charge
Support: As-Is
Provider: Community Addition


Product Information


IBM Operations Analytics – Log Analysis v1.2.0.3


This is a community contributed "As-Is" sample integration pack with no explicit support, guarantee or warranties from IBM nor the contributor. Use the provided reference links and forums for further information.