The following are general frequently asked questions pertaining to IBM Operations Analytics – Log Analysis.
What’s the default username and password?
User Access: unityuser/unityuser
Admin Access: unityadmin/unityadmin
Where are the online documents?
Can also reference the ITOA community Document page.
How often are the online documents updated?
The documents will be updated as changes are pushed through the system. Documentation defects are more than welcome as feedback. They will be queued up, worked on and published in an agile manner.
Where is the online help documents?
Click the “Learn More” link in the upper right corner of the main user and administration pages for online help.
What are the set of supported time zones formats?
For more information about the supported time zones, see
What are these references I’m seeing to ‘Unity’? SCLA? SCAAWE? EIEIO?
As with many software development activities, projects often start out with code names and similar secret handshake skunkworks teams. Internally, the project begun as the “Unity” project with a goal to unify all of the disparate log and data sources providing search and analytics on top. As time passed, the project has gone through a number of naming/marketing phases becoming more and more formalized. The current name is IBM Operations Analytics – Log Analysis.