Loading a batch of log files with the Log File Agent

Use this example to help you to understand how to use the Log File Agent to load log a batch of files.

Before you begin

Consider the size of the log files that you want to load. If a log file is in the region of 50 MB, or more, in size, increase the size of the log file agent cache. In the appropriate configuration file, set BufEvtMaxSize=102400. For WAS log files, update <HOME>/IBM®/LogAnalysis/IBM-LFA-6.30/config/lo/WASInsightPack-lfawas.conf. For DB2® log files, update <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/IBM-LFA-6.30/config/lo/DB2InsightPack-lfadb2.conf.

You must delete the appropriate existing cache file. For WAS log files, delete <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/logs/lfa-WASInsightPack.cache and for DB2 log files, delete <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/logs/lfa-DB2InsightPack.cache

For very large log files, update the cache size of the EIF receiver. In the <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/UnityEIFReceiver/config/eif.conf file, increase the value of the BufEvtMaxSize property.

Lines in a log that are longer than 4096 characters are, by default, ignored by the Log File Agent. To force it to read lines longer than 4096 characters, add the EventMaxSize=<length_of_longest_line> property to the .conf file that will be used while loading the log.

For WAS update $UNITY_HOME/IBM-LFA-6.30/config/lo/WASInsightPack-lfawas.conf file. DB2 update $UNITY_HOME/IBM-LFA-6.30/config/lo/DB2InsightPack-lfadb2.conf file.

If you make any changes to the configuration, you must restart the service for the changes to take effect. To restart the service, from the <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/utilities directory, run the following commands:
  • <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/utilities/unity.sh -stop
  • <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/utilities/unity.sh -start

About this task

The Log File Agent might be on the same server as IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis and monitoring a local directory. In this scenario, the installation of IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis completes all of the configuration required.

If the Log File Agent is on the same server as IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis, but monitoring remote directories, some additional configuration is required. If you want to monitor log files on remote servers, you must make some specific settings changes. For more information about these specific settings, see the Configuring remote monitoring that uses the predefined configuration files topic under IBM Tivoli Log File Agent Configuration in the Extending IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis section.

If your configuration requires it, you can use a remote Log File Agent. In this scenario, install and configure the Log File Agent based on the your requirements. For more information, see the IBM Tivoli® Monitoring documentation: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSTFXA_6.3.0/com.ibm.itm.doc_6.3/welcome.htm


To use the log file agent to load log information, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Administrative Settings page, define an appropriate log file source.
  2. Ensure that the log file you want to add is in the appropriate directory.
    For WAS logs, place the log file in the following directory:
    For DB2 logs, place the log file in the following directory:
    For Generic annotator log files, place the log file in the following directory:
    The log file is automatically picked up and analyzed. Depending on the size of the log file, processing it could take some time.
  3. Optional: To monitor progress, check the following log files:
    • <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/logs/GenericReceiver.log
    • <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/logs/UnityEifReceiver.log

    When you are using the Log File Agent to perform data collection, monitor the UnityEIFReceiver.log and GenericReceiver.log log files located in the $UNITY_HOME/logs directory to ensure that the data ingestion has completed correctly.

    This example illustrates the addition of a batch of log records. The result is indicated in the RESPONSE MESSAGE section of the log file:
    2013-04-20 04:43:10,032 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster : -
    Posting Event to UNITY DATA COLLECTOR -
    2013-04-20 04:43:24,273 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       +++++++++ RESPONSE MESSAGE +++++++++
    2013-04-20 04:43:24,273 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster : OK
    2013-04-20 04:43:24,273 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       {    "batchSize": 2078,    
    "failures": [    ],    "numFailures": 0 }
    2013-04-20 04:43:24,273 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
    2013-04-2 04:43:24,273 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
        EIF event delivery to Generic Receiver -- SUCCESS
    In this log, the number of log records processed is indicated in the line:
    {    "batchSize": 2078,    "failures": [    ],    "numFailures": 0 }
    2078 log records were successfully ingested. The numFailures value indicates the number of failures in the ingestion of the log records. For example, a value of 5 for the numFailures value indicates that 5 log records were not ingested.
    When data collection has completed, if the EIF Receiver buffer is partially filled, any remaining log records are posted to the Generic Receiver. This is recorded in the log as a TIMEOUT FLUSH event. These events are added to the log file at the end of the session of data collection:
    2013-04-20 04:54:26,341 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventService :
     TIMEOUT FLUSH for logsource:nc9118041070::
    2013-04-20 04:54:26,359 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster : ---
    Posting Event to UNITY DATA COLLECTOR -
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,581 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       +++++++++ RESPONSE MESSAGE +++++++++
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,582 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster : OK
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,582 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       {    "batchSize": 1714,   
    "failures": [    ],    "numFailures": 0 }
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,582 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,582 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       EIF event delivery to Generic Receiver -- SUCCESS
    2013-04-20 04:54:38,583 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventService :
    To calculate the number of events that have been processed, calculate the sum of all of the batchSize values. To calculate the number of events ingested, calculate the sum of all of the batchSize values and deduct the total sum of numFailure values.
    If the ingestion fails, an error message is recorded in the UnityEIFReceiver.log:
    2013-05-16 02:16:11,184 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       +++++++++ RESPONSE MESSAGE +++++++++
    2013-05-16 02:16:11,184 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster : Not Found
    2013-05-16 02:16:11,184 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
    "CTGLA0401E : Missing log source ","RESPONSE_CODE":404}
    2013-05-16 02:16:11,184 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
    2013-05-16 02:16:11,184 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  - LogEventPoster :
       FAILURE -  ResponseCode:404 ResponseMessage:Not Found
    Additional HTTP response codes are as follows:
    Request Entity Too Large: Displayed if a batch size is greater than the Generic Receiver default value set in the $UNITY_HOME/wlp/usr/servers/Unity/apps/Unity.war/WEB-INF/unitysetup.properties.
    Internal Server Error: Displayed when there is any issue withIBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis such as a database error or any other runtime error.
    Not Found: Displayed when a Log Source is not found for a hostname and log path combination in the request.
    Conflict: Displayed if the data batch is posted for a Log Source that is an inactive state or if there is a conflict between the data posted and the data expected by the server. For example, the inputType field in the request JSON does not match the inputType field in the Collection for the requested hostname and log path combination.
    OK: Displayed when the request is processed by the server. The status of the processed batch of records is returned with the total number of records ingested, how many failed records are present and which failed.
    Bad Request: Displayed when the request JSON does not contain the required fields expected by the Generic Receiver or where the JSON is not properly formed.


After the task completes, the log file is indexed and can be searched using the Search field on the IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis Dashboard.