Insight Pack project structure
When you create an Insight Pack project, Eclipse creates a directory structure to contain system and project files.
- project_nameContains the following files:
- build_fileSetJar.xml: A sample ANT script from which you can create a script to compile your Java™ JAR file required when creating a Java-based File Set.
- indexconfig_spec.ucdk: The index configuration resource file.
- insightpack_spec.ucdkt: The Insight Pack configuration resource file.
- project_name/src
Any Java code generated during the Insight Pack creation process is written to this directory.
- project_name/JRE System Library
Contains Java system files.
- project_name/docs
Documentation location.
- project_name/license
License location.
- project_name/logSamples
Location for sample log files.
- project_name/metadataContains the following files and directories:
- lfa: The location of the CONF and FMT files. A lfa.conf file contains the properties that are used by the Log File Agent (LFA) for processing the log files. The lfa.fmt file contains an expression and format that is used by the agent to identify matching log file records and to identify the properties to include in the Event Integration Format (EIF) record. The EIF is sent from the agent to the receiving server. The receiving server is the server where the Log Analysis Insight Pack Tooling server is installed. The lfa.fmt file uses a regular expression to match all the log records in the file and to send each record to an EIF event.
- collections.json: The generated collections file.
- filesets.json: The generated file sets file.
- indexconfig.json: The generated index configuration file.
- Defines information used by the Insight Pack installer.
- rulesets.json: The generated rule sets file.
- sourcetypes.json: The generated Source Types file.
- project_name/META-INF
Contains the MANIFEST.MF Insight Pack metadata file.
- project_name/unity_appsContains files and directories for Custom Search Dashboards. Custom Search Dashboards allow you to run your custom code within IBM® Operations Analytics Log Analysis. For more information about Custom Search Dashboards, see the Custom Search Dashboards in the Extending guide.
- apps: Location for the Application runtime file (.app file).
- templates: Location for the Application template files. A template file defines a set of custom scripts.
- chartspecs: Location for the Application chart specification files.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/fileset/java
Location for the Java code files that define the splitter or annotator. This directory can also contain code that defines the splitter or annotator, or both.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/fileset/script
Location for scripts that define the splitter or annotator, or both.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/annotator
Contains the main.aql module file.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/annotator/dicts
Location for dictionary files used by the annotator.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/annotator/lib
Location for libraries used by the annotator.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/annotator/tables
Location for tables used by the annotator.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/splitter
Contains the main.aql module file.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/splitter/dicts
Location for dictionary files used by the splitter.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/splitter/lib
Location for libraries used by the splitter.
- project_name/src-files/extractors/ruleset/splitter/tables
Location for tables used by the splitter.
When you install the Insight Pack, the project directory structure is replicated in IBM Operations Analytics Log Analysis.