Configuring email alert actions

Before you can use the email alert action, you need to specify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server hostname in Log Analysis.

About this task

The email alert action feature is compatible with normal and secure SMTP servers.


  1. Open the <HOME>/IBM®/LogAnalysis/wlp/usr/servers/Unity/apps/Unity.war/configs/AlertActionEmailConfig.json file.
  2. Specify the email properties. These properties are outlined in the following table.
    Table 1. Email configuration properties
    Property name Description Value
    secure Decide whether you want to use secure SMTP or not. Boolean
    smtpMailServer Specify the SMTP server's hostname. String
    mailServerUser User name that is used for authentication with the mail server. String
    mailServerPassword Password for the user that is used for authentication with the mail server. String
    footer Text that is added to the end of each email, String
    cc Email addresses that are copied on each email. Recipients can view these addresses in the final mail. String
    bcc Email addresses that are copied on each email. Recipients cannot view these addresses in the final mail. String
    attachLogRecordAnnotations Decide whether to attach the log file record that triggered the alert. Boolean

    If you want to use encrypted passwords, you can use the script to generate an encrypted password.

  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart Log Analysis.


Here is an example configuration:
mailServerUser :,
mailServerPassword : encrypted_pwd