Settings for monitoring jobs

When creating, editing, or cloning a monitoring job, you define the settings for the type of internet protocol that you want to use to track your endpoints. This topic describes the settings that you can configure for DNS, HTTP/S, PING, and TCP network types.

Settings for DNS monitoring jobs

Field Description
Response timeout Enter a value to indicate the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for output after connecting.
Query domain Enter the domain name for this monitoring job to query.
Nameserver IP or hostname Enter the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the DNS server from which to request the query domain.
Query type Specify the record type to request within the queried domain.
DNS port Specify the port from which to perform the DNS query.

Settings for HTTP or HTTPS monitoring jobs

Field Description
URL Enter the URL to monitor.

The default is HTTP. To test using HTTPS, start the URL with HTTPS://. The hostname in the URL is used to determine the IP address of the endpoint to check. If you want to check the health of a specific virtual hosting server, specify that hostname in the URL. For example, if testing a server hosted on AWS, use something like

Virtual host Enter a string to include as the HOST request header as part of the HTTP transaction. For example, if Virtual host =, then Host: is included in the HTTP request header. The virtual host is also used to support testing hosts that use server name indication (SNI). The monitor adds the virtual host to the TLS handshake process so that it receives the correct SSL certificate, enabling the rest of the TLS handshake to proceed as normal.
HTTP method Enter the HTTP method for the monitoring job.
User agent Enter a nominal description for the monitoring job to include in the User-Agent request header.
Authorization header Enter the authorization request header to use during the HTTP transaction such as a bearer token or API key.
Follow HTTP redirects Select the redirect method:
  • To allow connection to an HTTP redirect, select this check box. The status that shows for the monitoring job is for the new URL.
  • To not follow redirects, clear the check box. The status that shows for the monitoring job is for the original URL entered.
Connection timeout Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that the IBM® NS1 Connect® monitoring job spends to establish a connection with an endpoint (host:port). If there is no response or if the endpoint rejects the connection within this period of time, the monitoring job is considered as down.
Idle timeout Enter the amount of time in seconds used only to read the response body after the connection is established and the HTTP request is sent.
Add TLS verify Select whether to use TLS verification:
  • To enforce TLS certification verification, select this check box.
  • If the monitoring job is failing due to a certificate error, such as an expired certificate for which you do not want this to be used as a failure condition, clear this checkbox.

Settings for PING monitoring jobs

Field Description
Number of packets to send Enter the Number of ICMP echo packets to send. The higher number of packets results in more accurate RTT calculation and packet loss statistics.
IP address or hostname to ping Enter the IP address or hostname to ping. This is the IPv4 or IPv6 address or hostname of the device to ping.
Time between packets Enter the amount of time (in milliseconds) between subsequent echo request packets.
PING timeout Enter the amount of time (in milliseconds) before an endpoint should be marked as failed or down. If the RTT is greater than the ping timeout, then that ICMP echo packet is considered as a timeout. This metric influences the up condition for percent packet lost. For example, if you set the number of packets to four and one of the packets takes longer than the ping timeout value that you set, then 25% (1 out of 4) of the packets are considered lost.

Settings for TCP monitoring jobs

Field Description
Response timeout Enter the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) allowed for a data transfer after the connection is established.
String to send Enter a string to send to endpoints upon connecting.
Connect timeout Enter the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the NS1 Connect monitoring job spends trying to establish a connection with an endpoint (host:port). If there is no response or if the endpoint rejects the connection within this period of time, the monitoring job is considered as down.
Connect with SSL Select this check box to negotiate an SSL connection before sending/receiving protocol data.
IP address or hostname Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address or hostname of the endpoint to monitor.
Add TLS verify Select whether to use TLS verification:
  • To verify TLS certificates, select this check box.
  • If the monitoring job is failing due to a certificate error, such as an expired certificate for which you do not want this to be used as a failure condition, clear this check box.
TCP port Indicate the port of the endpoint to connect to.