Configuring Pingdom as a third-party data source

IBM® NS1 Connect® supports integration with Pingdom BeepManager, pushing data from the Pingdom monitoring service to NS1 Connect, where it can be used to inform DNS traffic steering decisions.

During the implementation process, you configure a third-party data source within NS1 Connect to connect with your Pingdom account. Then, you create data feeds for each Pingdom monitor you want to connect to the answer(s) in the NS1 Connect DNS records. Finally, you configure a Filter Chain within the relevant DNS records to activate dynamic traffic steering based on the up/down status or other critical metrics collected from the monitored endpoints. If the Pingdom monitor detects an endpoint is down, then the up/down metadata for each connected answer is updated, and the NS1 Connect platform avoids serving it to the requesting clients.

Step 1 - Create a data source on the NS1 Connect platform

Complete the following instructions to configure a data source and connect Pingdom BeepManager to the NS1 Connect platform.

  1. In the NS1 Connect portal, navigate to the Integrations page.
  2. Click Add a data source.
  3. Click the Pingdom logo.
  4. Enter a name for the data source for internal reference.
  5. Click Save data source.
  6. When prompted to create a feed from the new data source, click the X in the top right corner to close the window. You will add the data feeds later.
  7. Navigate back to the Data sources tab and copy the Source ID displayed next to the Pingdom data source you just created. You will need this ID to configure the integration within the Pingdom platform.

Step 2 - Create a webhook in your Pingdom account

  1. Log into the Pingdom portal and navigate to the Integrations page.
  2. Click Add Integration.
  3. Next to Type, select Webhook from the dropdown menu and enter a name for the webhook.
  4. Next to URL, enter<sourceID>, replacing <sourceID> with the unique ID of the Pingdom Beeper data source generated in the previous step.
  5. Click Save integration.
  6. Navigate to Experience Monitoring > Uptime in the side navigation.
  7. Click Add check.
  8. Enter a name for the alert.
  9. Click the Network tab and set the type of uptime check, such as TCP, Ping, and so on.
  10. Next to Domain/IP, enter
  11. Scroll down to Connect Integrations and check the box next to the NS1 Connect webhook you created earlier.
  12. Complete the other fields as desired, and click Create check.
    Note: For this integration, set the notification delay to zero, as in, no delay.
  13. Click the new uptime check from the list to edit it.
  14. When the Edit Check window opens, the URL in your browser's address bar ends with the unique ID for this uptime check. Copy and save the ID. You need this to configure the corresponding data feed.
  15. Repeat steps 6-14 for each uptime check you want to connect to DNS answers on NS1 Connect.

Step 3 - Configure a data feed for each Pingdom uptime check

In NS1 Connect, data feeds automate updates from NS1 Connect monitors or third-party data sources to specific metadata fields in the corresponding DNS answers. Complete the following instructions to create a data feed corresponding to a Pingdom uptime check—enabling data flow from Pingdom to NS1 Connect. You must repeat these steps for each uptime monitor you want to connect.

  1. In the NS1 Connect portal, navigate to Integrations > Feeds.
  2. Click the Pingdom logo under Add a feed to an existing data source.
  3. Enter a name for the data feed. This is for internal reference, but it should match or be easily associated with the corresponding Pingdom uptime check.
  4. Next to Pingdom check ID, paste or enter the unique ID for the uptime check. This is the text string copied from the URL at the end of Step 2.
  5. Click Save feed.
  6. Repeat this process to create a data feed for each Pingdom uptime check.

Step 4 - Connect each data feed to the NS1 Connect DNS answers

To configure automatic updates from Pindgom to DNS record answers on the NS1 Connect platform, you must connect the data feeds configured in Step 3 to the corresponding DNS answers. You will map each feed to the up/down metadata field on the Record details page for the relevant answer.

For instructions, refer to Connecting a monitor or data source to a DNS answer.

Step 5 - Create a Filter Chain

After configuring automatic updates from the Pingdom check their corresponding answers. You can create a Filter Chain for the parent DNS record to activate dynamic traffic steering. Use the Up filter to instruct NS1 Connect to eliminate down or unavailable answers when making routing decisions. As the Pingdom check updates the answer metadata, the platform adjusts traffic steering behavior to accommodate changing network conditions.