Creating an alert

When you create an alert, you must specify the alert type, define triggering conditions, and attach an notifier list containing details about the alert recipients or channels. Specific parameter of the configuration depend on the alert type.

Before you begin

  • You must have the Manage notifier lists permission enabled to create an alert.
  • To configure an incoming zone transfer alert, you must have a secondary zone configured to receive updates from one or more primary servers.

About this task

When you create an alert, you can either create a notifier list that contains the recipients or you can select an existing list. For example, if no list exists and you want to send notifications to recipients through email and Slack, you create a list that includes the recipients email and Slack channel when you create an alert. Whereas if you already have a list with the particular email and Slack recipients, you can attach that list when you create an alert. Any notifier lists that were created for other alerts, including those for monitoring alerts, are available for you to choose from.

You can add multiple lists of recipients to an alert.


  1. Click Alerts.
  2. On the Alerts tab, click Create alert.
  3. In Name, enter a unique name to describe the alert.
    Do not include special characters.
  4. In Alert type, select Zone.
  5. In Event type, select the event that triggers the alert:
    • To create an alert to notify recipients each time a transfer to a secondary zone fails, select Incoming zone transfer failed.
    • To create an alert to notify recipients each time a primary server can't be reached, select Issue with an external primary.
  6. Select the secondary zones that you want to receive an alert for when an issue arises.
  7. In Notifier lists, attach a list of recipients by doing one of the following:
    • If a list of recipients that you want to use exists, select it from the Notifier list(s) drop-down list.
    • If you want a new list of recipients, click Create list. Refer to Create a notifier list for more information.
  8. Click Create alert.