Additional configuration for Netcool/Impact server failover for Event Analytics

The following additional configuration is required if a seasonality report is running during a Netcool®/Impact node failover. Without this configuration the seasonality report might hang in the processing state following the failover. This will give the impression that the report is running, however it will remain stuck in the phase and percentage complete level that is displayed following the failover. Any queued reports will also not run. This is due to a limitation of the derby database. Use the workaround in this section to avoid this problem.


  1. Locate the jvm.options file in <impact_home>/wlp/usr/servers/<Impact_server _name>/.
  2. Uncomment the following line in all the nodes of the failover cluster:
  3. Restart all nodes in the failover Netcool/Impact cluster.


Following these changes, any currently running seasonality report will terminate correctly during the cluster failover and any queued reports will continue running after the failover has completed.