Archiving related events

You can archive related events by archiving the related events group.

Before you begin

View event groups and events in the View Related Events portlet, see Viewing related events and Viewing related events by group.

About this task

When you believe that events within a related events group are no longer relevant, you can archive that group. Complete the following steps to archive a related events group.


  • To archive a related events group within the View Related Events portlet, complete the following steps.
    1. Within the View Related Events portlet, select the New, Watched, Active, or Expired tab.
    2. In your chosen tab, within the Group table select an event group and right-click. A menu is displayed.
    3. From the menu, select Archive.
  • To archive a related events group within the Related Event Details portlet, complete the following steps.
    1. Within the View Related Events portlet, select the New, Watched, Active, or Expired tab.
    2. In your chosen tab, within the Group table select an event group or within the Event table select an event, and right-click. A menu is displayed.
    3. From the menu, select Show Details, a Related Event Details portlet opens.
    4. Within the Related Event Details portlet, in either the Events or Correlation Rule tab, select Archive. A success message is displayed.


The related events group moves into the Archived tab in the View Related Events portlet.

What to do next

Within the Archived tab, from the list of archived groups you can select a group and right-click. A menu is displayed with a choice of tasks for your selected group.
  • If you want to move a group out of the Archived tab and into the New tab, from the menu select New. A number of actions can be performed with groups and events within the New tab, see Work with related events.
  • If you want to delete a related events group from the system, from the menu select Delete. This is the only way to delete a related events group from the system.