Authorizing users for Impact

Use this information to add authorization for users to access and view IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact user interfaces in a Netcool Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift® deployment.


  1. Update the maproles ConfigMap to map the required user to a Netcool/Impact role.
    Add the required user and Netcool/Impact roles for that user to the ConfigMap, using the same format as the existing entries: user:role1|role2. For example:
    kubectl edit configmap release_name-nciserver-maproles
        apiVersion: v1
        allusersandroles: |
        kind: ConfigMap
    • release_name is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (OLM UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
    • newuser is the user that you want to assign the Netcool/Impact roles to.
  2. Restart the Netcool/Impact core server pod with the following command:
    kubectl delete pod release_name-nciserver-0
    Where <release_name> is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (Operator Lifecycle Manager UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
  3. Restart the Netcool/Impact GUI server pod with the following command:
    kubectl delete pod release_name-impactgui-0
    Where <release_name> is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (Operator Lifecycle Manager UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
  4. When the Netcool/Impact server pod and the Netcool/Impact GUI server pods have both restarted, verify that the user and its roles have been added correctly, by running the following command on the Netcool/Impact core server pod:
    <IMPACT_HOME>/install/security/ -list -user newuser
    Where newuser is the user that you added to the maproles ConfigMap. For example:
    /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/security/ -list -user newuser
    newuser roles:
  5. You are now able to login to and view Netcool/Impact UIs.