Creating an Impact connection fails in a hybrid deployment

In hybrid deployments, new Impact connections must be created manually.


In a hybrid deployment, attempting to create an Netcool®/Impact connection with the on-premises Dashboard Application Services Hub UI causes Path specified has an invalid formatting to be displayed.

If you need to configure a new connection then you must do so using the following procedure:


The UI can no longer be used to create new connections to Netcool/Impact, and the command line must be used instead.


  1. Use the command line to configure the required connection. Run the following command on the on-premises Web GUI deployment:
    JazzSM_path/ui/bin/ putProvider -username smadmin -password password -provider "" -file input.txt
    • JazzSM_path is the name of the Jazz® for Service Management installation, usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/.
    • password is the password for the smadmin administrative user
    • host is the Impact server, for example
    • input.txt has content similar to the following (where host is the Impact server, for example
           "authUser": "impactuser",
           "authPassword": "netcool",
           "baseUrl": "https:\/\/\/ibm\/tivoli\/rest",
           "datasetsUri": "\/providers\/\/datasets",
           "datasourcesUri": "\/providers\/\/datasources",
           "description": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "externalProviderId": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "id": "",
           "label": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "remote": true,
           "sso": false,
           "type": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "uri": "\/providers\/",
           "useFIPS": true
  2. Restart Dashboard Application Services Hub on your Operations Management on-premises installation by using the following command.
    <JazzSM_WAS_Profile>/bin/ server1 -user smadmin -password <smadmin_password>
    • <smadmin_password> is taken from the smadmin secret.
    • JazzSM_WAS_Profile is the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This is usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/profile.
Draft comment: LOUISERoberts
#5029 #3315 Note this is also in hybrid_integ_kit.dita, and when this defect is fixed it must be removed from both places.

What to do next

Complete the hybrid resolution steps in Impact connection error.