Creating user groups for DASH

To configure single sign-on (SSO) between DASH and Netcool® Configuration Manager, you must create Netcool Configuration Manager groups and roles for DASH.

Before you begin

Note: For SSO between DASH and Netcool Configuration Manager to work, the user groups specified in this procedure must exist in both DASH and Netcool Configuration Manager.

Network Manager and Netcool Configuration Manager users in DASH should use the same authentication type, for example, ObjectServer.

Note: The IntellidenUser role needs to be assigned to the IntellidenUser group. Similarly, the IntellidenAdminUser role needs to be given to the IntellidenAdminUser group.

About this task


  1. Log onto the WebSphere® Administrative console of the Network Manager GUI server as the profile owner (for example, smadmin).
  2. Create a group by selecting Users and Groups > Manage Groups > Create.
  3. Enter IntellidenUser in the Group name field.
  4. Click Create, then click Create Like.
  5. Enter IntellidenAdminUser in the Group name field.
    IntellidenAdminUser is required for access to Account Management in Netcool Configuration Manager.
  6. Click Create, then click Close.
  7. Log off from the WebSphere Administrative console, then log on to the DASH GUI.
  8. Select Console Settings > Roles > IntellidenUser.
  9. Click Users and Groups > Add Groups > Search, then select the IntellidenUser group, and then click Add.
  10. Select Console Settings > Roles > IntellidenAdminUser.
  11. Click Users and Groups > Add Groups > Search, then select the IntellidenAdminUser group, and then click Add.

What to do next

After creating Netcool Configuration Manager groups and roles for DASH, you create Netcool Configuration Manager users for DASH.