Pattern displays no groups and events
The events pattern that is created and displayed in the Group Sources table in the View Related Events portlet displays 0 groups and 0 events.
The events pattern that is created and displayed in the Group Sources table in the View Related Events portlet displays 0 groups and 0 events.
The pattern displays no groups or events for one of the following reasons.
- The pattern creation process is not finished. The pattern creation process can take a long time to complete due to large datasets and high numbers of suggested patterns.
- The pattern creation process was stopped before it completed.
To confirm the reason that the pattern displays 0 groups and 0 events, complete the following
- To confirm that the process is running,
- Append the policy name to the policy logger file from the Services tab,
Policy Logger service. For more information about configuring the Policy
logger, see
- Check the following log
If the log file shows that the process is running, wait for the process to complete. If the log file shows that the process stopped without completing, proceed to step 2.
- Append the policy name to the policy logger file from the Services tab,
Policy Logger service. For more information about configuring the Policy
logger, see
- To force reallocation for all configurations and patterns run the
from Global projects policy with no parameters from the UI. - Monitor the $IMPACT_HOME/logs/<serverName>_policylogger_PG_ALLOCATE_PATTERNS_GROUPS_FORCE.log log file to track the completion of the process.