Replication conflict scenarios

The replication filters for Runbook Automation are carefully chosen to remove most of the potential conflict scenarios.

This section describes scenarios that might still produce document conflicts and how they are resolved within Runbook Automation.
Concurrent edits on Automations
If two users on two sides edit the same automation document, the person who saves the automation last will overwrite the changes that are made by the other user. It is recommended to change automations only from one designated site.
Concurrent edits on Runbook drafts
If users on different sides edit the same runbook draft concurrently before the replication catches up, the user who saves the draft last overwrites the changes that are made by the other user. It is recommended to change runbooks and create new versions for runbooks only from one designated site. If a conflict occurred and other changes should be restored, retrieve the suitable revision of the runbook draft document and store it as the latest revision.
Concurrent new versions of a Runbook
If two users on two sites create a new version of the same runbook and if the replication is not able to update the data on the other site before the new version has been created, it is possible to create two Published Runbooks claiming to own the same version of the runbook. Runbook Automation declares one version consistently as the winner and retrieve this version as the latest version. In this scenario, the Runbook preview view displays two entries with the same version. To use the alternative version, either delete the original winner or create a new version with the content of the discarded version. It is recommended to change runbooks and create new versions for runbooks only from one designated site to avoid this scenario.