Switching back to the classic Event Viewer

The classic Event Viewer is the interface that was available in earlier versions of Netcool® Operations Insight® and in IBM® Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI. If you prefer to work in the classic Event Viewer then you can switch back.

About this task


  1. Is there a help portlet before the Events table?
    The help portlet looks like this:

    Help portlet for Events page

    If the answer is: Then do as follows:
    Yes, there is a a help portlet before the Events table Go to step 2.
    No, there is no help portlet before the Events table
    1. Locate the Help Help icon icon in the Events table toolbar.
    2. Click Help Help icon, to display the help portlet before the Events table.
  2. Click anywhere on the help portlet to open it.
  3. In the help portlet, click Switch back.