Runbook Automation and Netcool/Impact integration: ObjectServer maximum row size error

This error might be encountered when running the IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact rba_objectserver_fields_updateFP19.sql script to update the ObjectServer with the new RunbookIDArray field. The script is run as part of the runbook automation and Netcool/Impact integration steps.


When running the script on the ObjectServer, the following error is displayed:
./nco_sql -username root -password password -server AGG_P < rba_objectserver_fields_updateFP19.sql
ERROR=Row size too large on line 34 of statement
'----------------------------------------------------------------...', at or
near 'status'
The new RunbookIDArray field is not added when this error occurs.


The ObjectServer is running close to the maximum row size of 64KB. As a result, it does not allow the new column of varchar(2048) to be added, and the error message is generated.

Resolving the problem

Try reducing the varchar to something smaller, for example (1024). Note, this might also reduce the testing capacity.
Draft comment: LOUISERoberts
#5219. Bryan's from CEM docs.