You can create resource group templates to generate resource groups, which search your
topology database for instances that match its conditions. These resource groups are then listed on
the Resource management page.
Before you begin
You must have the admin role inasm_admin assigned to you. See the Configuring DASH user roles topic for more information.
About this task
You can create a new template or edit an existing template.
To create a new template, you construct a topology view centered around a seed resource. This
lets you search your database for topologies with resources and relationships that match the
conditions defined in the template.
These defined topologies are dynamically generated, maintained and updated, and can be searched
for and accessed via the Resource management page. Resource groups are dynamically refreshed when accessed.
- Dynamic changes to resource group
- If edges or resources are removed that render an existing resource group that has already been
indexed incomplete, it will remain available, and can therefore still be found and displayed via the
search functionality, or via a previously created direct URL.
- If edges or resources are added or changed that render a resource group that was not indexed
previously complete, the resource group will be indexed automatically, thereby becoming accessible
via the search service.
Tip: Searching for and then rendering resources is described in more detail in the
section of the UI reference topic.
Template types: Choose from three different template types to group
your resources.
- Dynamic template
- A dynamic template automatically finds and updates multiple resource groups based on your
criteria, and on how your applications and infrastructure change.
- A dynamic template builds multiple resource groups that are similar to the specified seed
resource, and relationship or resource type criteria. Resource group creation and membership is
dynamically maintained based on the available topology data and how it changes.
- For example, you can use a dynamic template to create dynamic resource groups, one for each of
your virtual machines and the Kubernetes services they are running. Resource groups are then added,
removed, and updated as you add or remove virtual machines or services running on them.
- Tag-based template
- This template creates and updates a single resource group containing the resources that have a
specified set of tags.
- Resource group membership is dynamically maintained to reflect changes in the topology for
resources that gain or lose the specified tags.
- For example, you can use a tag-based template to create a dynamic resource group tagged with
both 'red' and 'green'. Then, when you add new resources with both of those tags, the resource group
will be updated to include them.
- Exact template
- An exact template creates and updates a single resource group centered on a specified seed
resource, on your criteria, and on how your applications and infrastructure change.
- The membership of the resulting resource group includes the seed resource and those matching the
specified relationship or resource type criteria. Resource group membership is dynamically
maintained for the resulting resource group provided the specified seed resource type remains
- For example, you can use an exact template to create a resource group only for a specific
Jenkins build pipeline, any new builds or physical servers, and its connected network switch.
Access the Resource group templates page
- Log in to the console.
From the main navigation, click
The Topology management
page is displayed.
- Click Configure on the Group templates
Resource group templates page is displayed listing existing
templates in a table format by name, type, number of resource groups, description, user, and date
modified. From here, you can perform the following actions:
- Sort the table of templates by column header.
- Delete an existing template by clicking the bin icon next to it.
- Edit an existing template by clicking the pencil icon next to it.
Note: When you edit an
existing template, the template definition and topology areas are already populated. Also, the
Name and Type parameters cannot be edited. You edit the
other parameters as for a new template, and when you do, the template definition and topology areas
will change. If you require a template with a different name, you must create a new
- Create a new template.
Create a new resource group template
Click the Create a new template + button.
- Select either a Dynamic, Tag based, or
Exact template.
Click the (i) icon for more
information on each template type.
- After selecting a type, click Start.
Template builder page is displayed, consisting of a topology view area on the
right, and a number of template definition fields on the left.
Enter a unique Template name (required), and
Description (optional).
Select an existing type from the Resource group type drop-down, or
select Custom type from the drop-down.
If you select Custom type, a new text box opens, where you type a name for your new resource
group type.
- Define a resource group name or naming pattern.
- For tag templates
- Provide a resource group name.
- For Dynamic and Exact templates
- The seed name of the resource group is used when a resource group is generated, but you can
define either a prefix, suffix, or both to create an appropriate name for each of the dynamically
generated resource group.
Remember: Although an exact template type focuses on a single resource, it remains
dynamic, which means as long as the seed resource itself remains unchanged, the defined topology can
change through the removal or addition of connected resources or relationships.
Choose an icon to associate with the template from the drop-down, or click
(+) to create a new icon.
All resource groups based on this template will display the icon.
- Enable or disable correlation of event groups on topologies:
For more information, see: Displaying analytics details for an event
Enter a tag to be appended to each resource group, then click Add
Restriction: The following special characters are
not supported when specifying
. ? + * | { } [ ] ( ) " \ # @ & < > ~
- Search for a seed resource.
- As you insert your cursor into the Search field, the five most recent searches are listed, and
can be selected. You can delete a recent search by clicking the delete button
(X) to the right of the suggested search.
- If you type in a search term, suggested search results are listed, which contain results both
from the topology database and from recent searches, with your entered search text highlighted.
When you select a search result, the found resources are listed by 'Resource
name', 'Type' and 'Tags'. You can expand a resource to display its properties and values, or click
its name to render a basic topology view centered around the resource as seed. The topology is
displayed on the right of the Template builder.
Refine the template and generate resource groups
Use the topology view tools to refine the topology.
Use the context (right-click) menu to view the resource's details, see which observer job
generated it and when, get its neighbors, or follow adjacent relationships. You can increase the hop
count, open a timeline view, or change its layout. For more information on working with topologies,
see the
Viewing a topology topic.
As you define the topology and with it the template conditions, a preview function
retrieves information from the topology database, indicating the number of matches. If these exceed
500, you cannot generate the defined topologies. Refine your conditions until the number of defined
topologies are within the limit.
You can define additional tags and other optional elements for the template.
- To see what resource groups are discovered by the template, click Preview
resource groups.
A list of resource groups is displayed. From here, you can view individual resource group
topologies to verify that they meet your requirement. If they do not, refine your template
Once your template meets all of its required conditions, click Save template &
generate resource groups
- Define a default layout for the resource groups.
When a resource group based on this template is selected in the Topology Dashboard, the
default layout is used.
The resource groups are saved in the topology database, and can be viewed on the
Resource management page and the
Topology dashboard.
Remember: Resource
groups are updated automatically when the topology database is updated, and generated dynamically as
they are displayed.
What to do next
Resource groups can be searched for by operators using the standard Search functionality,
and then accessed as topologies, or added to applications. Searching for and then rendering
resources is described in more detail in the Search
section of the UI reference topic, and in the Managing applications and viewing topologies