You can sort the columns in the View Seasonal Events portlet
to organize the displayed data.
Before you begin
To access the View Seasonal Events portlet,
users must be assigned the ncw_analytics_admin
About this task
The rows in the View Seasonal Events portlet
are sorted by the configuration name. You can change the order of
the rows by using the columns to sort the data.
Sorted columns
are denoted by an upwards-pointing arrow or downwards-pointing arrow
in the column header, depending on whether the column is sorted in
ascending or descending order.
To sort the rows by column, complete the following steps.
- Open the View Seasonal Events portlet.
- To sort single columns, complete the following steps.
- To sort a column, click the column header once. The
rows are sorted in ascending order.
- To sort in descending order, click the column header
- To unsort the column, click the column header a third
- To sort multiple columns, complete the following steps.
- Sort the first column as a single column.
- Move the mouse pointer over the column header of the
next column you want to sort. Two icons are displayed. One is a standard
sorting icon and the other is a nested sorting icon. The nested sorting
icon has a number that represents how many columns are sorted as a
result of selecting the option.
For example, if this
is the second column that you want to sort the number 2
- Click the nested sorting icon. The column is sorted
with regard to the first sorted column.
Tip: When
you move the mouse pointer over the nested sorting icon, the hover
help indicates that it is a nested sorting option. For example, the
hover help for the icon displays Nested Sort - Click to sort Ascending
The resulting sort order is ascending with regard to the previous
columns on which a sorting order was placed.
- To reverse the order of the nested sort, click the nested
sorting icon again. The order is reversed and the nested sorting icon
changes to the remove sorting icon.
- To remove nested sorting from a column, move the mouse
pointer over the column header and click the Do not sort icon.
Note: In any sortable column after nested sorting is selected,
when you click the standard sorting icon, it becomes the only sorted
column in the table and any existing sorting, including nested is
Sorted columns are marked with an upwards-pointing arrow
or a downwards-pointing arrow in the column header to indicate whether
the column is sorted in ascending or descending order. The sorting
is temporary and is not retained.