Installing Dashboard Application Services Hub and the UI components
Install the Dashboard Application Services Hub and all the UI components. This applies to the Netcool®/OMNIbus Web GUI, the Event Analytics component, fix packs, and optionally Reporting Services.
The UI components are installed in two stages. First, IBM® WebSphere® Application Server and Jazz® for Service Management are installed, which provide the underlying UI technology. Then, the Web GUI and the extension packages that support the Event Analytics component and the event search capability are installed. After installation, configure the Web GUI to integrate with Operations Analytics - Log Analysis and support the topology search capability.
You can optionally install Reporting Services 3.1 into Dashboard Application Services
Hub. You can set up Network Manager and Netcool
Configuration Manager to work with Reporting
Services by installing their respective reports when installing the products. Netcool/OMNIbus
8.1.0 and later can be
integrated with Reporting Services 3.1 to support reporting on events. To configure this
integration, connect Reporting Services to a relational database through a gateway. Then, import the
report package that is supplied with Netcool/OMNIbus into Reporting Services.
For more information about event reporting, see the Netcool/OMNIbus documentation,
Before you begin
- Obtain the packages from IBM
Passport Advantage®. For information about the
eAssembly numbers you need for the packages, see this IBM
Support document,
- To install Reporting Services 3.1, ensure that the host meets the extra requirements listed in
the Jazz for Service Management documentation,
What to do next
- Search on IBM Fix Central for available interim fixes and apply them. See .
- Reconfigure your views in the Web GUI event lists to
display the NmosObjInst column. The tools that launch the custom apps of the
Network Manager Insight Pack work
only against events that have a value in this column. For more information, see