Viewing the occurrence time of an event

You can get details about the time that an event occurred.

About this task

When you look at the occurrence time of an event, you might be able to relate this event to some other events that occurred around the same time. Within a particular event group, the same event might occur multiple times. For example, if the group occurs 10 times within the time period over which the related events report is run, then there are 10 instances of the group. The event might occur in each of those group instances, resulting in 10 occurrence times for that event. Events in strong related events groups appear in all group instances, but events in medium or weak related events groups might appear in a subset of the group instances. This information is visible in the Related Event Details portlet by switching between different instances in the Event Group Instance Table as explained in the following procedure.


  1. Start the View Related Events portlet, see Viewing related events.
  2. Within the View Related Events portlet, in the Events table select an event or in the Group table select an event group, and right-click. A menu is displayed.
  3. From the menu, select Show Details and a Related Event Details portlet opens.
  4. Within the Related Event Details portlet, in the Events tab, two tables are displayed.
    Related Event Group Instances table
    This table lists instances of the related event group.
    Date and Time
    Date and time when the group instance occurred. The time of the group instance is set to the occurrence time of the event that you selected.
    Unique Events
    Indicates the number of unique events within each group instance, where a unique event is an event with a unique Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus ObjectServer serial number. The unique events for a selected related event group instance are listed in the Events table.
    Note: The number of rows in the Events table is always equal to the number displayed in the Unique Events field.
    Within a related group instance, an event with the same event identifier can recur multiple times, and each time the event will have a different serial number. When the event with that identifier first occurs, it is assigned a unique Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer serial number. If that event is deleted and another event with the same identifier occurs again within this same group instance, then this new event is assigned a new serial number. At that point the Unique Events count in this column would be 2.
    Contains Pivot Event
    Indicates whether this group instance contains the pivot event. For more information about the pivot event, see Changing the pivot event.
    Events table
    Lists the unique events within the group instance selected in the Related Event Group Instances table.
    Note: When you configure Event Analytics using the wizard, it is best practice to add the Identifier column to the Instance report fields list. This ensures that you can see the event identifier value for each event unique event listed in this table.
    Displays offset time relative to the pivot event.
    Note: This column displays Not Applicable if the pivot event is not in the selected group instance. For more information about the pivot event, see Changing the pivot event.
    First occurrence time of this unique event.
    Number of related group instances in which this event occurs. For related event groups with a strong profile, all events occur in all related group instances; for example a value of 7/7 in the Instances column denotes that this is a related event groups with a strong profile.
    Severity of this event.
    Value of the node column for this event.
    Description of the event.


Assume that a related event group has been identified made up of events with the following two event identifiers:
  • JOPLBSMMDM Excessive ACN Transmission FailuresCP1 LP/9 AP/1 1 0x4374430 ( 70730800 ): let's label this event identifier A.
  • COLUBSM CELL 1803DOOR_OPEN 1 0x14D1 ( 5329 ): let's label this event identifier B.
This related event group occurred three times, so that there are three related event group instances, as follows:
  • Instance 1: 10 January
  • Instance 2: 11 January
  • Instance 3: 12 January
Let's look more closely at the related event group instance that occurred on 10 January (instance 1). During this instance, the events occurred as shown in the following table. As you can see from the table, there are seven unique events in this related event group instance.
Note: The two event identifiers have both occurred multiple times during this related event group instance.
Table 1. Unique events in instance 1 of the related event group
Server Serial Identifier Label
AGG_P 13452 JOPLBSMMDM Excessive ACN Transmission FailuresCP1 LP/9 AP/1 1 0x4374430 ( 70730800 ) A
AGG_P 21474 JOPLBSMMDM Excessive ACN Transmission FailuresCP1 LP/9 AP/1 1 0x4374430 ( 70730800 ) A
AGG_P 22485 COLUBSM CELL 1803DOOR_OPEN 1 0x14D1 ( 5329 ) B
AGG_P 22490 COLUBSM CELL 1803DOOR_OPEN 1 0x14D1 ( 5329 ) B
AGG_P 24579 JOPLBSMMDM Excessive ACN Transmission FailuresCP1 LP/9 AP/1 1 0x4374430 ( 70730800 ) A
AGG_P 24595 COLUBSM CELL 1803DOOR_OPEN 1 0x14D1 ( 5329 ) B
AGG_P 25284 COLUBSM CELL 1803DOOR_OPEN 1 0x14D1 ( 5329 ) B

Now, assume that this related event group has a strong relationship profile; i.e. the underlying event identifiers for each of these events occur in all related group instances.

Based on this information, the Related Event Group Instances table might look like this. Note, in particular, the January 10 related event group instance, with seven unique events.
Table 2. Related Event Group Instances
Date and Time Unique Events Contains Pivot Event
January 10, 2020 10:40 AM 7 Yes
January 11, 2020 08:13 AM 11 Yes
January 12, 2020 03:18 AM 5 Yes
When the January 10 related event group instance is selected. the Events table might look like this. Note that each of the underlying event identifier for each of these events occurs in all three related event group instances, so the Instances column has the value 3/3 for each event.
Table 3. Events table
Offset Time Instances Severity Node Summary
- 00:19:00 January 10, 2020 10:40 AM 3/3 Clear Server123 Some description
- 00:14:00 January 10, 2020 10:45 AM 3/3 Clear Server123 Some description
00:00:00 January 10, 2020 10:59 AM 3/3 Clear Server 456 Some description
00:02:00 January 10, 2020 11:01 AM 3/3 Clear Server 456 Some description
00:13:00 January 10, 2020 11:12 AM 3/3 Clear Server123 Some description
00:22:00 January 10, 2020 11:21 AM 3/3 Clear Server 456 Some description
00:33:00 January 10, 2020 11:32 AM 3/3 Clear Server 456 Some description