Related Events statistics
When sending some events a synthetic event is created, but the statistics can appear not to be updated.
This is because there are delays in updating the related events statistics. These delays are due to the time window during which the related event groups are open, so that events can be correlated.
The statistics (Times Fired, Times Fired in Last Month, Last Fired) are updated only when the Group Time to Live has expired. The sequence is; synthetic event is triggered, action is done, and the statistics are calculated later.
There was an occurrence of the GROUPTTL being equal to 82800000 milliseconds, this is 23 hours. In
this instance an update to the statistics wouldn't be visible to the user for 23 hours. If GROUPTTL
is reduced to 10 seconds by running the following
tests will show that the statistics are updated promptly.An algorithm creates GROUPTTL based on historical occurrences of the events. There is no default value for GROUPTTL and no best practice recommendation. GROUPTTL should be determined and set on a per case basis.
Data is displayed for the Times Fired, Times Fired in Last Month, and Last Fired columns for groups allocated to patterns. In previous versions, the group statistics were only updated for unallocated groups and not updated for groups allocated to a pattern. The new statistics represent the total occurrences for events with an active, watched or expired status.
The Times Fired value increments every time there is an event matching the Event Identifier of a deployed group. This statistic is suppressed by default. It can be enabled by turning on the timesfired_group_stats_enable property.
The Times Fired in Last Month value is the sum of events received in the last 30 days. This statistic is suppressed by default. It can be enabled by turning on the timesfired_group_stats_enable property. When the 30 days time period has passed and a new event comes in, this value resets back to 0. When an event is not firing for two or more months, the value persists and is not reset. In this case, the value in the Times Fired in Last Month column refers to the 30 days before the timestamp in the Last Fired column.
The Last Fired value is the timestamp of the last time such an event was received. This statistic is suppressed by default. It can be enabled by turning on the timesfired_group_stats_enable property.
Performance statistics in the group table
The statistics in the Times Fired column in the Group Sources panel represent the sum of incoming events, which match a given pattern. The value increments every time there is an incoming event that matches a pattern in a watched, active, or expired state. This statistic is active by default, and can't be turned off.
- Export the current default IBM®
Netcool® Operations Insight®
export property values to a file by running the following
./nci_trigger <NCI_Cluster_name> <impactadmin_user_name>/<impactadmin_user_pwd> NOI_DefaultValues_Export FILENAME <path/filename>
- In the new <path/filename> file, change the timesfired_group_stats_enable value from false to true.
- Import the updated properties file by running the following
./nci_trigger <NCI_Cluster_name> <impactadmin_user_name>/<impactadmin_user_pwd> NOI_DefaultValues_Configure FILENAME <path/filename>
When a group is not part of a pattern, the statistics in the Times Fired column in the Groups panel represent the sum of incoming events that are part of a group in active status. The value increments every time there is an event, which is part of an active group. This statistic is active by default, and can't be turned off
RTC 69369