Runbook elements

Runbook elements are editing actions that describe operational tasks. Use the add step, add command, add parameter, add automation, and add GOTO action to give your description a clear structure and supportive elements.

Use the following runbook elements to edit your operator instructions.

Table 1. Runbook elements
Icon Editing action
Add runbook step
Add runbook step
Click the editor canvas. Select Add runbook step. A separator with a label is added to the canvas. Describe one step and then add the next step by selecting Add runbook step.
Keyboard shortcut
Use the tab key to move the focus on the canvas. Press Ctrl + 3 to add a step.
Remove step
Use the backspace key to remove a step.
Add command
Add command
Click the editor canvas. Select Add command and enter your command. Click Enter to quit the command and continue in the next row.

Another way to enter a command is to mark the command and click Add command. As the command is still selected, you have to click on the canvas to deselect the command. Click Enter to quit the command and continue in the next row.

Keyboard shortcut
Use the tab key to move the focus on the canvas. Press Ctrl + 4 and begin typing your command.
Remove command
You can remove the command by placing the cursor in the command and clicking Remove.
Add parameter
Add Parameter
To add a parameter, go to the Parameter palette and drag the parameter that you require to the canvas.

Or mark the text which should be a parameter name and click Add parameter.

Keyboard shortcut
Use the tab key to move the focus on the canvas. Press Ctrl + 8. A parameter menu is added. Click the arrow and select the required parameter.
Remove parameter
Select the parameter and click Remove.
For more information about creating parameters, see Adding parameters.
Add automation
Add automation
To add an automation, go to the automation palette and drag the automation that you require to the canvas. A dialog opens to map parameter values. Click Apply to add the configured automation to the runbook.
Keyboard shortcut
Use the tab key to move the focus on the canvas. Press Ctrl + 7. A dialog opens with all available automations. Select an automation and click Add. A dialog opens to map parameter values. Click Apply to add the configured automation to the runbook.
Remove automation
Select the automation and click Remove.
Change configuration
To change the configuration of an automation, click the automation and select Configure. A dialog opens and you can change the parameter mappings.

For more information about how to add and configure an automation, see Adding automations.

Add goto
Click the editor canvas. Select Add GOTO. A goto element is added with the label END. Click the GOTO element and select the step that you want to jump to. You can select any subsequent.
Keyboard shortcut
Use the tab key to move the focus on the canvas. Press Ctrl + 5. The GOTO element is added.
Remove GOTO
Select the GOTO element and click Remove.

For more information about how to use the GOTO element, see Adding a GOTO element.

Insert collapsible details
Add collapsible details
To add collapsible details, click Insert collapsible details Insert collapsible details. Enter a title for the collapsible section. Then enter the information that you want to collapse and expand in a section.
Keyboard shortcut
Remove collapsible details
Use the delete or backspace key to delete collapsible details.