Applying the latest fix packs

Apply any latest available fix packs to upgrade to the latest version of Netcool® Operations Insight®.

About this task

Fix packs can be full image fix packs containing the full product image, or upgrade fix packs, containing just the code for fix updates from the last release. Full image fix packs are made available on Passport Advantage®. Upgrade fix packs are made available on Fix Central. For a list of fix packs required for upgrade to the latest version of Netcool Operations Insight, see Updated versions in the release.


  1. For each fix pack upgrade, start Installation Manager and configure it to point to the repository.config file for the fix pack.
  2. In the main Installation Manager window, click Update and complete wizard instructions similar to the following:
    1. In the Update Packages tab, select the product group to find related update packages, and click Next. A list of the available update packages displays.
    2. From the list of available update packages, select the relevant version, and click Next.
    3. In the Licenses tab, review the licenses. Select I accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next.
    4. In the Features tab, select the features for your update package, and click Next.
    5. Complete the configuration details, and click Next.
    6. In the Summary tab, review summary details. If you need to change any detail click Back, but if you are happy with summary details click Update and wait for the installation of the update package to complete.
    7. When the installation of the update package completes, the window updates with details of the installation. Click Finish.