Installing the interim fix

Learn how to install the interim fix.

Before you begin

This procedure can be completed only by a user with cluster admin privileges.

About this task

The interim fix is delivered to resolve an issue on Netcool® Operations Insight® on OpenShift® version 1.6.5 and version 1.6.7, which was causing cleared events to be looped back into event analytics. The issue occurs only when sendReducedLoad is set to True in the ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway pod. By default, this parameter is set to True in version 1.6.7 and is set to False in version 1.6.5.
Note: This procedure is intended for production-sized installations.


  1. Transfer the following image to your local image repository.
  2. Edit the noi instance:
    oc edit noi $RELEASE
  3. Add the following lines:
        ea-noi-layer.noieagateway.image.digest: sha256:d8e8f25264676ec22915753d4d086a49410b4395407de02a975ad886c0199f64 ea-noigateway-ee
        ea-noi-layer.noieagateway.image.tag: 17.0.4
        ea-noi-layer.noieagateway.sendReducedLoad: true
        ea-noi-layer.noieagateway.useFastTrack: true
  4. Save the YAML file and wait for the ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway pod to complete a rolling update.
    # oc get po | grep eanoigateway
    noi-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-5fc6678dc9-j4p4d             1/1     Running                 0             47m
    noi-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-79456b74b9-w7rx4             0/1     Init:0/1                0             5s
  5. Confirm that the changes are applied to the ObjectServer by running the following command:
    oc exec $RELEASE-ncoprimary-0 -- bash -c "echo -e \"select ConditionBlock from catalog.triggers where TriggerName='cea_update'\ngo\n\" | /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -s \$OMNIBUS_OS_NAME -u root -p \$OMNIBUS_ROOT_PWD"
  6. Check that the ConditionBlock output matches the following example.
     get_prop_value('ActingPrimary') %= 'TRUE' and
    	(old.ScopeID != new.ScopeID and new.ScopeID != '' or (old.Severity !=0 and new.
    	 Severity = 0 and new.Tally > 1)) and
    	new.AlertGroup not in ('SiteNameParent', 'CEACorrelationKeyParent', 'Synthetic 
    	 Event - Parent', 'ASMParent', 'CustomParent')                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

    If the ConditionBlock is displayed as expected, the interim fix was deployed successfully.