Runbooks provide structured steps to help solve incidents.
Before you begin
To have runbooks available to use for your events, you must first define
runbooks as described in the Managing runbooks and automations link at the end of this topic. The
you must set up triggers where runbooks are associated with events as described in the Triggers link
at the end of this topic.
The following is an example of how to use runbooks to address the events that form an incident,
and as a result resolve the incident itself.
- Go to the Incidents tab of the event management user
Go to My incidents and click Investigate to
retrieve more information about the incident. The Resolution view displays
suggested runbooks for the type of incident.
In the Resolution view, click next to the runbook you want to apply.
If the runbook uses parameters, the
parameter values are based on the event policy, and depend on the events associated with the
selected runbook:
- If there is only one event, or if there are multiple events all with the same parameter values,
then the parameter values for the runbook are taken from a single event, and the runbook is launched
using those values.
- If multiple events with different parameter values are correlated into an incident, each event's
parameter values are displayed. Select the value you want to run the runbook against and click
Note: It is best practice to only select non-group events to send the
context to Runbook Automation. Unless group events
are specifically what is wanted. Group events can be enriched to have the parameter values needed by
the runbooks, but in most cases will lack this context. You can optionally set up your trigger to
only associate runbooks with raw events, and avoid associating runbooks with group events. For
example, by avoiding use of the summary field in the trigger conditions.
The Runbook Automation UI is displayed where you can work with
the runbook. For more information, see the Run a runbook link at the end of this topic.
Tip: You can also apply runbooks associated with the events from the
Events tab. Click the
Events tab, and identify those
events that have a big dot icon
in their
Runbook column. Click the big dot icon
for the
runbook that you want to execute. Parameters values for the runbook are derived from the event, or
you might be prompted to enter a value manually either if it requires information such as a user
name, or if the runbook is set up to request the value at runtime.
For more information about viewing the available runbooks, reviewing the runbooks that you have
used to date, and running the runbooks, see the Library link at the end of this topic.
Important: If you take an action against an incident that
is not assigned to an owner, such as running a runbook manually, the incident status is
automatically set to
In progress, and the incident is assigned to you. The
incident is also automatically assigned to you if you manually set the incident state to
In progress. If you are a member of more than one group, then you must choose
a group. You will be taking ownership of the incident and working to resolve it as a member of the
selected group.
Re-selecting No owner will clear any
other status.
The runbook completes and solves the underlying problem causing the incident. The events that
formed the incident are then cleared, and in turn the incident is automatically set to resolved and
What to do next
For information about creating and managing runbooks, see Runbooks.