Executing a runbook

A runbook is a set of predefined actions that are meant to resolve a fault condition associated with event. For example, a Memory utilization 100% event might have an associated runbook that automatically restarts the resource associated with that event. If a runbook has been set up for a specific event, then you will see a large dot Big dot icon in the event's Runbook column. Click the dot to open the event sidebar, from where you can launch the runbook.

About this task

A runbook can be fully automatic, which means that clicking a button runs all of the predefined actions in order. Alternatively, you might be required to manually run some or all of the steps of the runbook.


  1. Identify events that have an associated runbook.
    • Flat events, that is, events that are not part of an event group, that have an associated runbook, have a large dot Big dot icon immediately visible in their Runbook column.
    • Events that are part of an event group, that have an associated runbook also have a large dot Big dot icon in their Runbook column, but you must first open the event group in order to see the event. Open an event group by clicking the Down chevron icon Downward-pointing chevron icon on the parent event group row.
  2. Click the large dot Big dot icon in the Runbook column for the event of interest.
    A side panel containing multiple information sections opens in the table.The Runbook section is open.
    The Runbook section provides the following information:
    Name of the runbook.
    Description of the runbook.
    Type of runbook; options are:
    • Manual: indicates that the runbook is fully manual or semi-automated, requiring you to perform at least some of the steps manually.
    • Automated: runbook containing automations only. When you execute the runbook, you must select the automation and then click Run.
    Average rating out of five provided for this runbook following execution.
    Success rate
    Percentage of successful executions of the runbook, based on operator indication following runbook execution.
  3. Click Execute runbook.
    This action displays the Runbook page, where you can check the runbook parameters and then either launch the entire runbook, if this is an automated runbook, or execute the runbook step by step, if this is a manual runbook. For more information on how to run a runbook, see the steps 4 to 11 in the related link at the end of this topic.


Once the runbook has been executed, you are automatically redirected back to the Events page.