Configuration runs time out when large data sets used

Seasonality and Related Event configuration runs time out when you use large data sets.


Seasonality and Related Event configuration runs time out when you use large data sets. Before the seasonality policy starts to process a report, the seasonality policy issues a database query to find out how many rows of data need to be processed. This database query has a timeout when the database contains many rows and the database is not tuned to process the query. Within the <impact install>/logs/impact_server.log file, the following message is displayed.
02 Sep 2014 13:00:28,485 ERROR [JDBCVirtualConnectionWithFailOver] JDBC Connection 
Pool recieved
error trying to connect to data source at: jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/database
02 Sep 2014 13:02:28,500 ERROR [JDBCVirtualStatement] JDBC execute failed twice.
com.micromuse.common.util.NetcoolTimeoutException: TransBlock [Executing SQL query: 
select count(*)
as COUNT from Db2INST1.PRU_REPORTER where ((Severity >= 4) AND ( FIRSTOCCURRENCE > 
09-02 00:00:00.000' )) AND ( FIRSTOCCURRENCE < '2014-09-02 00:00:00.000')] timed 
out after


Check that you have indexes for the FIRSTOCCURRENCE field and any additional filter fields that you specified, for example, Severity. Use a database tuning utility, or refresh the database statistics, or contact your database administrator for help. Increase the impact.server timeout to a value greater than the default of 120s.