Upgrading and rolling back on Red Hat OpenShift

Follow these instructions to upgrade Netcool® Operations Insight® on Red Hat OpenShift.

About this task


Application Discovery Service upgrade prerequisite for cloud and hybrid deployments

Before upgrading
Before upgrading a system that includes the application discovery service (that is, before running upgrade-topology-nasm-app-disco-init-job) you must delete any existing application discovery configmaps, secrets, and routes:
oc get configmap,secret,route -o name | grep app-disco | xargs oc delete
After deleting these configmaps, secrets, and routes, upgrade your system.
After upgrading
Once these secrets have been deleted, passwords will no longer be encrypted with the correct key, and therefore any existing Application Discovery Observer jobs must be recreated.

You can upgrade using the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) UI, or with the OLM UI and Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASE). You can also upgrade offline in an airgapped environment.


Backing up or exporting Web GUI data

  1. Before upgrading to version 1.6.4, export your Web GUI data.
    1. SSH into the webgui pod by running the following command:
      oc exec -ti -webgui-0 bash
    2. Run the following command to export the Web GUI data:
      cd app/jazz/ui/bin
      ./consolecli.sh Export --username smadmin --password WAS_PASSWORD
      Where WAS_PASSWORD is the password for the smadmin user, which can be obtained by running the following command:
      kubectl get secret <release-name>-was-secret -o json -n noi| grep WAS_PASSWORD | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d '"' -f2 | base64 -d;echo
      Where <release-name> is the name of your release, for example, noi.
  2. Copy the data.zip file from the webgui-0 container to the infrastructure node with the following command:
    oc cp <release-name>-webgui-0:/home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/output/data.zip data.zip

Restoring or importing Web GUI data

  1. After upgrading to version 1.6.4, the webgui pod will go into maintenance mode. Run the following commands to restart the webgui pod:
    oc exec -ti <release-name>-webgui-0 bash
    cd app/jazz/ui/bin
    ./consolecli.sh ForceHAUpdate --username smadmin --password was-password
    Wait for the webgui pod to restart and come up.
  2. Create the input folder:
    oc exec -ti <release-name>-webgui-0 bash
    mkdir /home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/input/
  3. Copy the data.zip file into the upgraded webgui-0 container:
    oc cp data.zip <release-name>-webgui-0:/home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/input/data.zip
  4. Modify the /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins/OMNIbusWebGUI_DASH_clone.properties file:
    Comment out the following line:
    Add the following line:
  5. Run the following command from the /home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/bin folder:
    ./consolecli.sh Import --username smadmin --password was-password --settingFile /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins/OMNIbusWebGUI_DASH_clone.properties