Configuring columns to display in the More Information panel

You can configure the columns that you want to display in the More Information panel.

About this task

The More Information panel can be started from within the Related Event Details portlet, when you click the hyperlink for either the Group Name or the Pivot Event, and the panel provides more details about the Group Name or the Pivot Event. The Event Analytics installation installs a default configuration of columns that display in the More Information panel, but you can change the configuration of columns that display. Complete the following steps to configure columns to display in the More Information panel.


  1. Generate a properties file containing the latest Event Analytics system settings.
    1. Navigate to the directory $IMPACT_HOME/bin.
    2. Run the following command to generate a properties file containing the latest Event Analytics system settings.
      nci_trigger server_name username/password NOI_DefaultValues_Export
       FILENAME directory/filename
      • server_name is the name of the server where Event Analytics is installed.
      • user name is the user name of the Event Analytics user.
      • password is the password of the Event Analytics user.
      • NOI_DefaultValues_Export is a Netcool®/Impact policy that performs an export of the current Event Analytics system settings to a designated properties file.
      • directory is the directory where the properties file is stored.
      • filename is the name of the properties file.
      For example:
      nci_trigger NCI impactadmin/impactpass NOI_DefaultValues_Export
       FILENAME /tmp/properties.props
  2. Update the properties file with properties for columns you want to display in the More Information panel.
    • For columns related to the Group Name in the More Information panel, the following properties are the default properties in the properties file. You can add, remove, and change the default properties.
      This property represents the number of group information columns to display. The default value is 3 columns. The value can be any number between 1 and 8, as eight columns are allowed.
      Enter this property line item for each column. The variables in this property line item are 1 and PROFILE.
      1 denotes that this column is your first column. This value can increment up to 8 per property line item, as eight columns are allowed.
      PROFILE represents the column. The following eight columns are allowed.
      Specifies the relationship profile, or strength of the group.
      Specifies a comma-separated list that creates the event identity.
      Specifies the total number of group instances.
      Specifies the configuration name under which the group was created.
      Specifies the total number of events within the group.
      Specifies the total number of unique events within the group.
      Specifies the review status of a group by a user.
      Specifies the number of seconds the group will stay active after the first event occurs.
    • For columns related to the Pivot Event in the More Information panel, the following properties are the default properties in the properties file. You can add, remove, and change the default properties.
      This property represents the number of group information columns to display. The default value is 1 column. The value can be any number between 1 and 6, as six columns are allowed.
      Enter this property line item for each column. The variables in this property line item are 1 and INSTANCES.
      1 denotes that this column is your first column. This value can increment up to 6 per property line item, as six columns are allowed.
      INSTANCES represents the column. The following six columns are allowed:
      Specifies the total number of instances for the related event.
      Specifies the relationship profile, or strength of the related event.
      Specifies the unique event identity for the related event.
      Specifies a comma-separated list that creates the event identity.
      Specifies the configuration name under which the related event was created.
      Specifies the group name under which the related event was created.
  3. Import the modified properties file into Event Analytics.
    1. Ensure you are in the directory $IMPACT_HOME/bin.
    2. Run the following command to perform an import of Event Analytics system settings from a designated properties file.
      nci_trigger server_name username/password NOI_DefaultValues_Configure
       FILENAME directory/filename
      • server_name is the name of the server where Event Analytics is installed.
      • user name is the user name of the Event Analytics user.
      • password is the password of the Event Analytics user.
      • NOI_DefaultValues_Configure is a Netcool/Impact policy that performs an import of Event Analytics system settings from a designated properties file.
      • directory is the directory where the properties file is stored.
      • filename is the name of the properties file.
      For example:
      nci_trigger NCI impactadmin/impactpass NOI_DefaultValues_Configure
       FILENAME /tmp/properties.props