Event Query service pod does not start

When installing Netcool® Operations Insight® on OpenShift® the ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice pod fails to start.


The ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice pod has not started, or is taking a long time to start.


The ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice is waiting for the eventsquery-checkforschema container.

  1. Inspect the Event query service log file by running the following command:
    oc logs name-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice-random-string -c eventsquery-checkforschema
    • name is the name of your installation instance.
    • random-string is a random string of numbers and letters.
  2. Look for a line that contains text similar to the following.
    {"name":"checkdb","hostname":"noi-204-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice-574cd4bc78ws2g","pid":22,"level":30,"requirements":{"keyspace":true,"events":true,"events_byid":false},"msg":"Requirements not met, re-check timer started.","time":"2020-06-29T22:30:08.610Z","v":0}
    This log entry indicates that the required schema has only been partially created, causing the connection to the schema to time out, with the result that the dependent ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice pod fails to start.


To resolve this issue, proceed as follows:
  1. From the Kubernetes command line, issue the following command to list all of the pods on your cluster.
    oc get pod
  2. Find the archiving service pod. This pod has a name similar to the following:
    • name is the name of your installation instance.
    • random-string is a random string of numbers and letters.
    For example:
  3. Copy the pod name from the previous step for use in the next command.
  4. Issue the following command to enter the archiving service and create the missing elements of the schema.
    oc exec -it name-of-archiving-service-pod /app/entrypoint.sh -- npm run setup
    Where name-of-archiving-service-pod is the name of the archiving service pod.
    Note: This command will generate a number of harmless errors, which can be ignored.
Draft comment: posnerke@uk.ibm.com
#5380 July 2020