Errors on command line after installation

If you receive the command line response Errors when you run the oc get command following a Cloud or Hybrid deployment, then you must run a series of checks to determine if there is an error, and where that error is.


Cloud: Following a cloud deployment, run a command similar to the following:
oc get my_deployment noi -o yaml
Where my_deployment is the name of your deployment, for example, noi1.
Hybrid: Following a hybrid deployment, run a command similar to the following:
oc get my_deployment noihybrid -o yaml
Where my_deployment is the name of your deployment, for example, noi2.
If you see the following response fragment on the command line, then you need to investigate further:
phase: Error

Investigating the problem

Run the following commands to investigate further.

Table 1. Further investigation
Item to check Command
Ensure all jobs are in the correct state. oc get jobs --all-namespaces
Ensure correct version. oc describe noi om193 | egrep ^build
Check status of important parameters; some examples are shown. noi, noitransformations, nohybrid
Check noi_operator pods. oc logs noi-operator-566b845789-kzfrc
If there are noi_operator pod startup issues, get more details.
oc describe pod noi-operator-566b845789-kzfrc | egrep Events -A 100
oc get events
Extra checks for Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) deployments.
oc get catalogsource --all-namespaces
oc get subscription --all-namespaces
Draft comment: LOUISERoberts
#4658 Needs triage/work