Setting the column value for an event

You can set the column value for an event when you set the actions for a rule.

Before you begin

To access the View Seasonal Events portlet, users must be assigned the ncw_analytics_admin role.


To set the column value, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the View Seasonal Events portlet.
  2. Select a specific configuration or ALL in the configuration table.
  3. Select a seasonal event from the events table.
  4. Right-click the seasonal event and select Create Rule.
  5. In the Actions When Event(s) Occurs in Specific Time Window(s) pane, select from the following options.
    1. To set the column value to suppress an event, select the Set Column Values check box and click the Set Column Value button for Perform Action(s) on Event Occurrence.
    2. To set the column value to unsuppress an event, select the Set Column Values check box and click the Set Column Value button for Perform Action(s) After.
  6. In the Set Column Value page, input values for the ObjectServer columns.
    1. You can add or remove columns by using the plus and minus buttons.
  7. To save the column values, click Ok.
  8. To save the seasonal event rule, choose one of the following options.
    1. Select Watch to monitor the rule's performance before it is deployed.
    2. Select Deploy to activate the rule.


The seasonal event rule that modifies the column values is saved.