Cannot launch WebSphere Application Server from Dashboard Application Services Hub on an OpenShift environment

If you encounter an error when trying to WebSphere® Application Server from Dashboard Application Services Hub on an OpenShift® environment, then you moot launch WebSphere Application Server with a predefined URL format.


If your deployment is on a Red Hat® OpenShift environment and you attempt to access Console Settings ->Websphere Application Server Console, then the following error is returned:
"502 Bad Gateway The server returned an invalid or incomplete response."


Access WebSphere Application Server directly with a URL in this format:
  • <release_name> is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (Operator Lifecycle Manager UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
  • master_node_name is the hostname of the master node.
  • port is the value that you specified for ingress_https_port in your configuration yaml file when you installed Netcool® Operations Insight® on Red Hat OpenShift.
Draft comment: LOUISERoberts
#4658 Needs triage/work