The Runbook approval process offers control over the publication of runbooks. This is
beneficial if a mandatory review process is necessary, if prematurely released runbooks could be
harmful, or when auditable information on the publication is required.
About this task
Figure 1. Runbook approval process
Figure 1 illustrates the states and transitions of the runbook approval process. If the approval
process is enabled, it is not possible to directly publish a runbook. Instead an option to submit
the runbook is displayed. The following options are then available:
List all runbooks that must be approved
Open the Library page.
From the Status filter drop-down menu, select Approval
All runbooks for which approval is pending are shown.
List all runbooks that are approved
Open the Library page.
From the Status filter drop-down menu, select
All approved runbooks are shown.
Note: You can also filter for a status of Approval expired and
Approval rejected.
Submit a runbook draft for approval
The roles that can perform this action are Author, Approver, and Manager.
Create or edit a runbook and click Submit for approval.
Enter the name of the approver in the field provided and click Send.
The runbook is now in a pending state. It can no longer be edited, except for changes to
its state.
Cancel a pending runbook approval
The roles that can perform this action are Author, Approver, and Manager.
Locate the runbook on the Library page.
Click the menu overflow icon and select Remove approval.
The runbook is now in normal draft mode and can be edited. The assignee can
no longer approve or reject the runbook.
Approve a runbook
Only the assigned person from the submission can approve a runbook. The roles that can perform
this action are Approver and Manager.
Locate the runbook on the Library page.
Click the menu overflow icon and select Approve.
The runbook now has a status of approved, which is the default for execution. New drafts
can be created. Information pertaining to the approval assignee and timestamp is stored within the
Reject a runbook
Only the assigned person from the submission can reject a runbook. The roles that can perform
this action are Approver and Manager.
Locate the runbook on the Library page.
Click the menu overflow icon and select Reject.
The runbook now has a status of rejected and can be edited again. Information pertaining
to the approval assignee and timestamp is stored within the runbook until a new draft version is
created and the old information is deleted.