Supplied roles

Roles must be assigned to users so that the users can view data and execute functions. As supplied, the WebGUI includes various roles that you can assign to users after you configure the user repository. Users can use the product after the roles are assigned. Use combinations of roles to create typical read-only, read/write, and administrator users.

The user roles for the WebGUI are described in the following table.

Table 1. WebGUI user roles
Role Description Extra notes
ncw_user This role is the base WebGUI that defines users as able to access the WebGUI. All users require this role. This role defines a user as a WebGUI user, but does not define the level of access to WebGUI data and functions. Use a combination of ncw_user and other roles to define the level of access.
  • Use a combination of ncw_user and netcool_rw for a read/write user.
  • Use a combination of netcool_ro for a read-only user.
Assign extra roles, for example, to give access to gauges and Event Dashboard settings.
ncw_admin Gives access to the administrative functions of the WebGUI Users with the ncw_admin role have access to all features enabled by the ncw_user role.
netcool_rw Gives read/write access to WebGUI event management functions. Users with this role can access event list tools and can change event data. Ensure that users with this role are also assigned the ncw_user role.
netcool_ro Gives read-only access to WebGUI event management functions. Users with this role can access event lists and view events, but cannot run tools or change event data. Ensure that users with this role are also assigned the ncw_user role.
ncw_dashboard_editor Gives access to the widget preferences of the Event Dashboard widget. Read-only users can also have this role.
ncw_gauges_viewer Gives access to the Gauges page.

This role is useful for users that you want to view gauges on mobile devices.

Users with this role do not require the ncw_user role. Use this role in preference to ncw_user when you want to restrict a user to viewing gauges only and not other parts of the WebGUI.
Important: Users with the ncw_admin role also require this role to view and edit a Gauges page.
ncw_gauges_editor Gives access to the widget preferences of the Gauges page. Users with the netcool_ro role can edit the widget preferences of the Gauges page if they are assigned the ncw_gauges_editor and ncw_user roles.

Ensure that users with this role are also assigned the ncw_user role.