Migration job does not complete

Learn how to workaround imagepullbackoff errors during an upgrade.


If you upgrade to Netcool® Operations Insight® version 1.6.13, images might enter the imagepullbackoff state for a long duration. The CEM chart version doesn't get updated because of a migration job issue.


As a workaround, complete the following steps:
  1. Edit the cemformation.
    oc patch  cemformation  <release name> -n <namespace> --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value": 2.12.10}]'
    CEM pods should restart and should pull images.
  2. Delete the migration job.
    oc delete job <release name>-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-elasticmigration
  3. Restart the operator.
    oc get pods -o name -n <namespace> | egrep noi-operator | xargs oc delete