Creating an Impact connection fails in a hybrid deployment
In hybrid deployments, new Impact connections must be created manually.
In a hybrid deployment, attempting to create an Netcool/Impact connection with the on-premises Dashboard Application Services Hub UI causes Path specified has an invalid formatting to be displayed.
If you need to configure a new connection then you must do so using the following procedure:Cause
The UI can no longer be used to create new connections to Netcool/Impact, and the command line must be used instead.
- Use the command line to configure the necessary connection. Run the
following command on the on-premises WebGUI deployment.
Where:JazzSM_path/ui/bin/ putProvider -username smadmin -password password -provider "" -file input.txt
- JazzSM_path is the name of the Jazz® for Service Management installation, usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/.
- password is the password for the
administrative user. - host is the Impact server, for example:
- input.txt has content similar to the following example (where
host is the Impact server, for example
):{ "authUser": "impactuser", "authPassword": "netcool", "baseUrl": "https:\/\/\/ibm\/tivoli\/rest", "datasetsUri": "\/providers\/\/datasets", "datasourcesUri": "\/providers\/\/datasources", "description": "Impact_NCICLUSTER", "externalProviderId": "Impact_NCICLUSTER", "id": "", "label": "Impact_NCICLUSTER", "remote": true, "sso": false, "type": "Impact_NCICLUSTER", "uri": "\/providers\/", "useFIPS": true }
- Restart Dashboard Application Services
Hub on your
Operations Management on-premises installation by
using the following command.
Where:<JazzSM_WAS_Profile>/bin/ server1 -user smadmin -password <smadmin_password>
- <smadmin_password> is taken from the smadmin secret.
- JazzSM_WAS_Profile is the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This location is usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/profile.
- Note: For a hybrid deployment, the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit must be installed in the WebSphere® Application Server 9.0.5 installation. For more information, see Migrating from WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 to WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5.(Optional) If you are upgrading from WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 to WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5, complete this step. After the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit is installed, copy the following two files from the WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 installation to the WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5 installation.
Restart the WebGUI server process after replacing the files./opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/oauth20: base.clients.xml NetcoolOAuthProvider.xml
What to do next
Complete the hybrid resolution steps in Impact connection error.
#5029 #3315 Note this is also in hybrid_integ_kit.dita, and when this defect is fixed it must be removed from both places.