This section explains how to create the Netcool Configuration Manager Intelliden super-user
as well as the default users: administrator, operator,
and observer for DASH.
Before you begin
single sign-on (SSO) between DASH and Netcool Configuration Manager to
work, a user must exist (that is, have an account) in both DASH and Netcool Configuration Manager.
install time Netcool Configuration Manager automatically
creates four users: Intelliden, administrator, operator,
and observer. Of these users, only the Intelliden user
must be created in DASH.
However, it is advisable that the other users are also created.
Note: Only
the username must match, it is not necessary that the passwords also
match. After single-sign on configuration is complete, the user password
entered in DASH will
be used to authenticate a Netcool Configuration Manager login.
About this task
This task describes how to create the previously listed Netcool Configuration Manager users for DASH.
Log onto the WebSphere® console of the Network Manager GUI server as the profile owner
(for example, smadmin).
- Click , then click Create.
- Enter Intelliden in the User ID,
First name, and Last Name fields.
- Enter the Intelliden user's password in the Password and
Confirm Password fields.
- Click on Group Membership and select Search.
- Highlight the IntellidenAdminUser and IntellidenUser groups
in the matching groups list, and click Add,
then click Close.
- Click Create, then click Create
- Enter administrator in the following
- User ID
- First name
- Last Name
- Password
- Confirm password
Click on Group Membership and select Search.
Highlight the IntellidenAdminUser and IntellidenUser
groups in the matching groups list, and click Add, then click
- Click Create and then Close.
- Click Create.
- Enter operator in the following
- User ID
- First name
- Last Name
- Password
- Confirm password
- Click on Group Membership and select Search.
- Highlight the IntellidenUser group
in the matching groups list, and click Add and
then Close.
- Click Create, then click Create
- Enter observer in the following
- User ID
- First name
- Last Name
- Password
- Confirm password
Click on Group Membership and select Search.
Highlight the IntellidenUser group in the matching groups list, and click
Add, then click Close.
- Click Create and then Close.
What to do next
After you have created the Netcool Configuration Manager users for DASH, you export the LTPA
keystore to the Netcool Configuration Manager server.