View Seasonal Events portlet
The View Seasonal Events portlet contains a list of configurations, a list of seasonal events, and seasonal event details.
In addition to viewing the seasonal events, you can mark events as reviewed and identify the events that were reviewed by others.
The View Seasonal Events portlet displays the following default columns in the group table:
- Configuration
- Displays a list of the seasonal event configurations.
- Event Count
- Displays a count of the number of seasonal events for each seasonal event configuration.
- Node
- Displays the managed entity from which the seasonal event originated. The managed entity could be a device or hostname, service name, or other entity.
- Summary
- Displays the description of the seasonal event.
- Alert Group
- Displays the Alert Group to which the seasonal event belongs.
- Reviewed by
- Displays the list of user names of the users who reviewed the seasonal event.
- Confidence Level
- Displays icons and text based on the level of confidence that is associated with the seasonal event. The confidence level is displayed as high, medium, or low, indicating that an event has a high, medium, or low seasonality.
- Maximum Severity
- Displays the maximum severity of the events that contribute to the seasonality of the selected seasonal event.
- Rule Created
- Displays the name of the seasonal event rule that was created for the seasonal event.
- Related Events Count
- Displays a count of the number of related events for each seasonal event.
- Obsolete Seasonal Event
- Indicates whether this is an obsolete seasonal event.
By default, if the same seasonality configuration is run a second time and a seasonal event from the previous run is not found, that seasonal event is deleted. However, if that seasonal event has at least one associated rule then it is not deleted, but it is marked as an Obsolete seasonal event. Seasonal events from the previous run that are also found in the current run, are current events, and are not marked as obsolete.
Table 1. Obsolete and current events Found in previous run Found in current run Has associated rule Seasonal event is... Yes No No deleted Yes No Yes marked as Obsolete event Yes Yes Doesn't matter current - First Occurrence
- Displays the date and time when the seasonal event first
occurred. The time stamp can be configured by users and is displayed
in the following format:
For example:
2012-10-12 09:52:58.0