Defining file enrichment rules
A file enrichment rule provides additional resource information (via file) that is matched to specific resources via a specified resource identifier (the token).
About this task
Using a GeoPoint file
The GeoPoint format is specific to geolocation data. A file enrichment rule matches a specified resource identifier (the token) to the longitude and latitude (the geographical location) of the resource. Resources that have been enriched with a geographical location can be displayed on the topology resource map.
Before you begin
Create a file that contains the additional geolocation data for your resources.
"tokens" : ["clli"],
"fileName" : "example-geopoint.txt",
"format" : "geoPoint,
- File format
- The file you use must be in the TSV (tab-separated values) format. The values on each line are
'token', 'latitude' and 'longitude':
token longitude latitude
Tip: CLLI (Common Language Location Identifiers) are supported and can be used as tokens. - Example GeoPoint file
- A file enrichment rule allows the value of a token to be used to map that resource to its
location on a map.
- Example TSV file
LONDON-CTR-01 -0.120226 51.509287 LONDON-CTR-02 -0.108514 51.485100 MCHSTR-CTR-01 -2.248665 53.482641 LVERPL-CTR-01 -2.996455 53.403925
- Example rule
- name =
- Example resource
{ "uniqueId": "server-001", "name": "server-001", "entityTypes": [ "server" ], "buildingCode": "LONDON-CTR-01" }
On the Details section of the New file enrichment rule (or Edit file enrichment rule) page, you define the name, status, tokens and file to be used for the rule.
Using a JSON file
The JSON file format lets you enrich resource data with any custom properties required. A file enrichment rule using a JSON file matches a specified resource identifier (the token) as well as a file enrichment key (a second token) in order to provide additional data for specified resources.
Before you begin
Create a file that contains the additional information for your resources.
"tokens" : ["uniqueId"],
"fileName" : "example-json.txt",
"format" : "json",
- File format
- The JSON file format requires separate tokens for the resource and for the file data.
- Example JSON file
- name =
- Resources
V:{"uniqueId":"Ireland","entityTypes":["country"],"tags":["republic"]} V:{"uniqueId":"UK","entityTypes":["country"]} V:{"uniqueId":"France","entityTypes":["country"]} V:{"uniqueId":"Germany","entityTypes":["country"]} V:{"uniqueId":"Switzerland","entityTypes":["country"]}
- Enriched resources
V:{"uniqueId":"Ireland","entityTypes":["country"],"tags":["republic","green","wet"],"capital":"Dublin"} V:{"uniqueId":"UK","entityTypes":["country"],"capital":"London","geolocation":{"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.00000,0.00000]}}} V:{"uniqueId":"France","entityTypes":["country"],"population":70000000,"capital":"Paris"} V:{"uniqueId":"Germany","entityTypes":["country","rave scene"],"capital":"Berlin"} V:{"uniqueId":"Switzerland","entityTypes":["country"],"capital":"Bern"}
On the Details section of the New file enrichment rule (or Edit file enrichment rule) page, you define the name, status, tokens and file to be used for the rule.