Backing up configuration data

Back up Event Analytics configuration data by configuring and running the NOI_EA_Export_Configuration Netcool®/Impact policy.

Before you begin

Identify the directory into which you want to back up the Event Analytics configuration data.


  1. Click Insights > Configure Analytics to navigate to the Configure Analytics window.
  2. In the Configure Analytics window identify the configurations that you want to back up.
  3. Copy and paste the names of these configurations from the Configure Analytics window into a text file.
    Note: You can back up any number of configurations, from just one configuration up to all of your configurations.
  4. Log into the Netcool/Impact GUI.
  5. Navigate to the Policies tab.
  6. Locate the NOI_EA_Export_Configuration policy in the list.
  7. Edit the policy and make the following changes:
    • In the Configuration Names section, copy and paste the configurations from the text file that you created in step 3, into the configuration array. Here are some examples of how to code this:
      Example: Back up a single configuration
      Assume that you want to back up data associated with the following single configuration:
      • Customer_Config-1
      In this case, you must code the array as follows, ensuring that you maintain the single quotes.
      Configs = [ 'Customer_Config-1' ];
      Example: Back up multiple configurations
      Assume that you want to back up data associated with the following four configurations:
      • Customer_Config-1
      • Customer_Config-2
      • Customer_Config-3
      • Customer_Config-4
      In this case, you must code the array as follows, ensuring that you maintain the single quotes.
      Configs = [ 'Customer_Config-1', 'Customer_Config-2', 'Customer_Config-3', 'Customer_Config-4' ];
    • In the Base Directory section, specify the directory into which you want back up the Event Analytics configuration data. For example, assume the directory to back up to has the file path as follows: /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/ea_backup/. In this case, you must code as follows:
      Directory = '/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/ea_backup/';
  8. Save and run the policy.
  9. Monitor progress of the backup operation by performing the following operations:
    • Navigate to the /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/ directory.
    • Run the following command to monitor the log file:
      tail -f logs/impactserver.log
  10. On conclusion of the backup operation, a message is displayed indicating that the operation was successful.
    The time taken for the operation depends on the amount of data being backed up.