Obtaining IBM Installation Manager

Perform this task only if you are installing directly from an IBM® repository or a local repository. IBM Installation Manager is required on the computers that host Netcool®/OMNIbus, Netcool/Impact, Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, and the products and components that are based on Dashboard Application Services Hub. In this scenario, that is servers 1, 2, and 3. The installation packages of the products include Installation Manager.

Before you begin

Create an IBM ID at http://www.ibm.comexternal link. You need an IBM ID to download software from IBM Fix Central.

On Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, the GUI mode of the Installation Manager uses the libcairo UI libraries. The latest updates for RHEL 6 contain a known issue that causes the Installation Manager to crash. Before installingInstallation Manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, follow the instructions in the following technote to configure libcairo UI libraries to a supported version: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21690056external link

Remember: The installation image of Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1.0 available from IBM Passport Advantage® and on DVD includes Installation Manager. You only need to download Installation Manager separately if you are installing Netcool/OMNIbus directly from an IBM repository or from a local repository.
You can install Installation Manager in one of three user modes: Administrator mode, Nonadministrator mode, or Group mode. The user modes determine who can run Installation Manager and where product data is stored. The following table shows the supported Installation Manager user modes for products in IBM Netcool Operations Insight®.
Table 1. Supported Installation Manager user modes
Product Administrator mode Nonadministrator mode Group mode
IBM Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus 1 X X X
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact X X X
IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis 2   X  


The IBM Fix Central website offers two approaches to finding product files: Select product and Find product. The following instructions apply to the Find product option.

  1. Go to IBM Fix Central at Fix Central external icon and search for IBM Installation Manager.
    1. On the Find product tab, enter IBM Installation Manager in the Product selector field.
    2. Select 1.9.2 from the Installed Version list.
    3. Select your intended host operating system from the Platform list and click Continue.
  2. On the Identity Fixes page, choose Browse for fixes and Show fixes that apply to this version (1.X.X.X). Click Continue.
  3. On the Select Fixes page, select the installation file appropriate to your intended host operating system and click Continue.
  4. When prompted, enter your IBM ID and password.
  5. If your browser has Java™ enabled, choose the Download Director option. Otherwise, select the HTTP download option.
  6. Start the installation file download. Make a note of the download location.

What to do next

Install Installation Manager. See Installation Manager 1.7 external icon.
1 Includes OMNIbus Core, Web GUI, and the Gateways.
2 Insight Packs are installed by the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis pkg_mgmt command.