About analytics-created policies
Policies take action against incoming alerts.
You can select between three different tabs on the Policies GUI. The Created by analytics tab lists all of the policies that are created and deployed by the various Netcool® Operations Insight® analytics algorithms.
The Suggested policies tab displays policies that are suggested by analytics. Administrators can activate suggested policies to act on incoming alerts and reject unwanted policies.
Policies that have been archived by administrators or senior operators are shown in the Archived tab. Archived policies don't act on incoming alerts.

The toolbar options are listed in the following table.
Item | Description |
Filters the table based on the type and status of the policies. You can filter based on the following:
The Policies table does not automatically refresh. Click here to refresh the table with the latest policy information. |
Policy table
Depending on which tab you selected this table shows policies created by the various analytics
policies, in Review first mode it shows temporal policies suggested by the analytics
and requiring review, and it also displays archived policies.
Column name | Description |
Policy name | A global unique identifier string to identify the policy. To customize a policy name, click
the menu overflow icon |
Created by | Identifies which of the following Netcool
Operations Insight analytics
algorithm created the policy:
Last updated by | Displays the last user or algorithm to update the policy and a timestamp of the modification. |
Ranking | Analytics policies are automatically ordered in the table based on a predefined ranking that is calculated by using the metrics of the policies. Policy metrics include criteria such as the maximum severity of the alert or group and how recently the alert or group occurred. The size of the group and the number of times a group or alert occurs are also metrics that are used to rank policies. Hover over the ranking indicator to display the ranking metrics that are applied to that policy. |
Max severity | The maximum severity of alerts within the policy when it was found. By default, there are six
severity levels, each indicated by a different colored icon in the alert list. The highest severity
level is Critical and the lowest severity level is Clear, as shown in the following list:
Event count | Shows the number of events that the policy captures. |
Occurrences | In the Created by analytics and Archived tabs, this column indicates the number of occurrences that are observed in the historical data when the policy was activated. In the Suggested tab, it is the number of occurrences of the policy in the historical data. |
Actions | Indicates the action that a policy is taking against incoming alerts. For example, |
Comment | Text to describe the reasons for activating or archiving a policy. The comment is saved together with the activated or archived policy, providing you with an audit trail. Comments can be made against related alerts and temporal patterns policies. |
Automatic updates | Indicates whether automatic updates for the policy are currently enabled or disabled. Policies that have automatic updates enabled are continually re-evaluated and updated by Netcool Operations Insight analytics. You can disable automatic updates on Temporal Grouping and Temporal Pattern policies. Once disabled, automatic updates cannot be reenabled. |
Status | Indicates whether a policy is Enabled