Sizing for a Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift deployment

Learn about the sizing requirements for a full Netcool® Operations Insight® on OpenShift® deployment.

Hardware sizing for a full deployment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Note: vCPU is defined as when one x86 CPU splits each of its physical cores into virtual cores (vCPU). It is assumed that one x86 CPUs physical core can be split into two logical vCPUs.

Trial sizes are provided for limited scenarios, such as proof of concept demonstrations. Do not use trial sizes in a test or production environment.

Note: The sizing tables provide a large production sizing option, which is not currently supported at installation time. If you have requirements that meet the requirements for a large production size installation, contact your local support team.
Note: Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform user-provisioned infrastructure is not sized as part of this sizing. Refer to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation for more details.
Note: If Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is installed on VMware virtual machines, set the value of the sched.cpu.latencySensitivity parameter to high.
Table 1. Detailed supported throughput rates for given sized environments.
General sizing information
Category Resource Trial Production Large production sizing
ObjectServer Event Management sizing information
Event Rate Throughput Steady state events per second 20 600 600
Burst rate events per second 100 600 600
Standing event count 10,000 200,000 200,000
Max concurrent users 5 50 130
Cloud Native Event Analytics sizing information
Event Rate Throughput* Steady state events per second 20 600 600
Burst rate events per second 100 600 600
Topology Management sizing information
System size Approximate resources 200,000 5,000,000 15,000,000
Number of groups 1,000 30,000 30,000
Metric Anomaly Detection sizing information
System size Number of KPIs 10,000 1,000,000 5,000,000
Environment options Minimum metric granularity 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
High availability disaster recovery No Yes Yes
Runbook Automation sizing information
Fully automated runbooks Run per second 1 2 4
Note: * The calculation of event rates for cloud native analytics assumes a deduplication rate of 6 to 1 (17% unique events) on the ObjectServer.
Note: The requirements are the minimum CPU, memory, and storage requirements for Netcool Operations Insight services only. If these minimum requirements are not in place, do not install the product.
Note: To avoid outages, a minimum of one extra work node is needed for node maintenance.
Table 2. This table shows the hardware requirements that are attributed to the Netcool Operations Insight footprint deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Refer to this table for sizing when a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster is already installed, but worker or compute nodes need to be added to accommodate Netcool Operations Insight.
Total hardware requirements Netcool Operations Insight services only
Category Resource Trial Production Large production sizing
Resource requirements Minimum node count 3 7 11
vCPUs (Total) 24 98 147
Memory (GB)(Total) 72 245 368
Disk (GB)(Total) 360 840 1,260
Persistent storage requirements (Gi)   577 6,684 12,478
Total disk IOPS requirements*   5,000 10,000 20,000

*You might need to convert IOPS values, depending on your specific network storage solution and cloud vendor environment. For example, when you provision block storage for Virtual Private Cloud data volumes, you specify an IOPS profile that best meets your storage requirements. For more information, see the IOPS tiers external icon topic in the IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud documentation. Provision an IOPS specification that is suitable for I/O-intensive database workloads.

Table 3. This table shows the total hardware requirements for a Netcool Operations Insight system deployed on a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster, including both the Netcool Operations Insight and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform related hardware needs. This table is useful for sizing when you need to create a new Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster to deploy the full Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Netcool Operations Insight stack.
Total requirements Netcool Operations Insight including Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Control plane and Compute nodes
Category Resource Trial Production Large production sizing
Resource requirements Node count 4 10 14
Disk (GB) 480 1,200 1,620
Netcool Operations Insight Persistent storage requirements (Gi)   577 6,684 12,478
Total disk IOPS requirements*   5,000 10,000 20,000

Requests and limits

In Kubernetes, requests define the resources that must be provided, and limits define the upper boundary of extra resources that can be allocated if available. Resource quotas can optionally be used to dictate the allowed totals for all requests and limits in a namespace. If a resource quota is set, then it must be at an adequate level to ensure that workload placement is not inhibited. If you do not deploy resource quotas, then skip this section.

The following table show the requests and limits that the Netcool Operations Insight installation namespace requires for a typical starter, production, or large production deployment.

Table 4. Requests and limits requirements for the Netcool Operations Insight installation namespace
Requests and limits requirements
Resource Trial Production Large production sizing
vCPUs requests 28 110 159
vCPUs limits 60 240 325
Memory requests 88 Gi 293 Gi 416 Gi
Memory limits 120 Gi 375 Gi 525 Gi
Note: Deployment of additional services impacts these values. Review these values regularly to ensure that they still meet your requirements.

Use the Red Hat OpenShift command line to create or edit a ResourceQuota object with these values. For more information, see Quotas external icon in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

Note: To allow sufficient resources for upgrading your deployment, apply a minimum 20% increase in resource quota requests or limits.
Note: These requirements do not include CPU and memory resources for hosting a storage provider, such as Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (previously called Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage) or Portworx. These storage providers can require more nodes, resources, or both, to run. The extra resources that are needed can vary based on your selected storage provider.
Table 5. This table illustrates the recommended resource allocation for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform control plane and worker nodes, along with the recommended configuration for the disk volumes associated with each persisted storage resource.
Hardware allocation and configuration
Category Resource Trial Production Large production sizing
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform control plane nodes

Resource requirements per control plane

Node count 1 3 3
vCPUs 4 4 4
Memory (GB) 16 16 16
Disk (GB) 120 120 120
Netcool Operations Insight components - suggested configuration
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform compute (worker) nodes
Resource requirements per compute node
Node count 3 7 11
vCPUs 8 14 14
Memory (GB) 24 35 35
Disk (GB) 120 120 120
Persistent storage minimum requirements (Gi) NCIServer 10 20 20
LDAP 1 1 1
NCO 10 20 20
Cassandra 250 4,407 5,407
Zookeeper 10 30 30
File-observer 5 10 10
CouchDB 20 60 60
ImpactGUI 5 5 5
MinIO 50 800 1,600
postgres-cluster-1 100 100 100
postgres-cluster-1-wal 50 50 50
SharedSpark 100 100 100

Extra requirements for offline (airgap) deployments

If you are installing in an air-gapped environment (offline), you must ensure that you have adequate space to download the Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift images to a local registry in your offline environment. The Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift images total 47 GB.
  • Bastion host method - the local registry and the bastion host must each have at least 47 GB of storage space.
  • Portable method - the local registry and the portable device must have at least 47 GB of storage space.